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ICD-10-CM External Cause Index

There are 41 terms starting with the letter 'S' in the ICD-10-CM External Cause Index.


Saturnism - see Table of Drugs and Chemicals, lead
Scald, scalding (accidental) (by) (from) (in) X19
Scratched by
Seasickness T75.3
Self-harm NEC - see also External cause by type, undetermined whether accidental or intentional
Self-inflicted (injury) NEC - see also External cause by type, undetermined whether accidental or intentional
Sequelae (of)
Shooting, shot (accidental(ly)) - see also Discharge, firearm, by type
Shoving (accidentally) by other person - see Pushed, by other person
Sinking (accidental)
Siriasis X32
Slashed wrists - see Cut, self-inflicted
Slipping (accidental) (on same level) (with fall) W01.0
Sliver, wood, contact with W45.8
Smoldering (due to fire) - see Exposure, fire
Sodomy (attempted) by force T74.2-
Sound waves (causing injury) W42.9
Splinter, contact with W45.8
Stab, stabbing - see Cut
Starvation X58
Status of external cause Y99.9
Stepped on
Stepping on
Storm (cataclysmic) - see Forces of nature, cataclysmic storm
Straining, excessive
Strangling - see Strangulation
Strangulation (accidental)
Strenuous movements
Striking against
Struck (accidentally) by
Submersion (accidental) - see Drowning
Suffocation (accidental) (by external means) (by pressure) (mechanical) T71 - see also category
Suicide, suicidal (attempted) (by) X83.8
Sunstroke X32
Supersonic waves (causing injury) W42.0
Surgical procedure, complication of (delayed or as an abnormal reaction without mention of misadventure) - see also Complication of or following, by type of procedure
Swallowed, swallowing
** This Document Provided By ICD.Codes **
Source: http://icd.codes/icd10cm/external-cause-index/s