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ICD-10-CM Neoplasms Index

There are 4 terms starting with the letter 'J' in the ICD-10-CM Neoplasms Index.


term malignant primary malignant secondary carcinoma in situ benign uncertain behavior unspecified behavior
jaw C76.0 C79.89 D09.8 D36.7 D48.7 D49.89
bone C41.1 C79.51 D16.5- D48.0 D49.2
lower C41.1 C79.51 D16.5-
upper C41.0 C79.51 D16.4-
carcinoma (any type) (lower) (upper) C76.0 C79.89
skin - see also Neoplasm, skin, face C44.309 C79.2 D04.39 D23.39 D48.5 D49.2
soft tissues C03.9 C79.89 D00.03 D10.39 D37.09 D49.0
lower C03.1 C79.89 D00.03 D10.39 D37.09 D49.0
upper C03.0 C79.89 D00.03 D10.39 D37.09 D49.0
jejunum C17.1 C78.4 D01.49 D13.39 D37.2 D49.0
joint NEC - see also Neoplasm, bone C41.9 C79.51 D16.9- D48.0 D49.2
acromioclavicular C40.0- C79.51 D16.0-
bursa or synovial membrane - see Neoplasm, connective tissue
costovertebral C41.3 C79.51 D16.7 D48.0 D49.2
sternocostal C41.3 C79.51 D16.7 D48.0 D49.2
temporomandibular C41.1 C79.51 D16.5- D48.0 D49.2
anorectal C21.8 C78.5 D01.3 D12.9 D37.8 D49.0
cardioesophageal C16.0 C78.89 D00.2 D13.1 D37.1 D49.0
esophagogastric C16.0 C78.89 D00.2 D13.1 D37.1 D49.0
gastroesophageal C16.0 C78.89 D00.2 D13.1 D37.1 D49.0
hard and soft palate C05.9 C79.89 D00.00 D10.39 D37.09 D49.0
ileocecal C18.0 C78.5 D01.0 D12.0 D37.4 D49.0
pelvirectal C19 C78.5 D01.1 D12.7 D37.5 D49.0
pelviureteric C65.- C79.0- D09.19 D30.1- D41.1- D49.5
rectosigmoid C19 C78.5 D01.1 D12.7 D37.5 D49.0
squamocolumnar, of cervix C53.8 C79.82 D06.7 D26.0 D39.0 D49.5
** This Document Provided By ICD.Codes **
Source: http://icd.codes/icd10cm/neoplasms-index/j