ICD-10-CM Code Q92.5
Duplications with other complex rearrangements
Billable Code
Billable codes are sufficient justification for admission to an acute care hospital when used a principal diagnosis.POA Exempt Code
The Center for Medicare & Medicaid Services (CMS) requires medical coders to indicate whether or not a condition was present at the time of admission, in order to properly assign MS-DRG codes. This "Present On Admission" (POA) indicator is recorded on CMS form 4010A.Q92.5 is a billable ICD code used to specify a diagnosis of duplications with other complex rearrangements. A 'billable code' is detailed enough to be used to specify a medical diagnosis.
POA Indicators on CMS form 4010A are as follows:
Indicator | Meaning | CMS Will Pay CC/MCC DRG Costs |
Y | Diagnosis was present at time of inpatient admission | Yes |
N | Diagnosis was not present at time of inpatient admission | No |
U | Documentation insufficient to determine if the condition was present at the time of inpatient admission. | No |
W | Clinically undetermined. Provider unable to clinically determine whether the condition was present at the time of inpatient admission. | Yes |
1 | Exempt from POA reporting | No |
The ICD code Q92 is used to code Aneuploidy
Aneuploidy is the presence of an abnormal number of chromosomes in a cell, for example when having 45 or 47 chromosomes when 46 is expected in a human cell. It does not include a difference of one or more complete sets of chromosomes, which is called euploidy. An extra or missing chromosome is a common cause of genetic disorders, including some human birth defects. Some cancer cells also have abnormal numbers of chromosomes. Aneuploidy originates during cell division when the chromosomes do not separate properly between the two cells.
Specialty: | Medical Genetics |
MeSH Code: | D000782 |
ICD 9 Code: | 758 |
Chromosomes in Down syndrome, the most common condition due to aneuploidy. Notice the three copies of chromosome 21 in the last row.
Coding Notes for Q92.5 Info for medical coders on how to properly use this ICD-10 code
Inclusion Terms:
Inclusion Terms
Inclusion Terms are a list of concepts for which a specific code is used. The list of Inclusion Terms is useful for determining the correct code in some cases, but the list is not necessarily exhaustive. - Partial trisomy due to unbalanced translocations
Code Also Note:
Code Also
A Code Also note indicates that two or more codes may be required to fully describe a condition, but the order of codes is at the coder's discretion. Code order depends on the severity of the conditions and the reason for the encounter. - Any associated deletions due to unbalanced translocations, inversions and insertions See code Q93.7
MS-DRG Mapping
- DRG Group #951 - Other factors influencing health status.
Coding Advice SNOMET-CT
- Consider additional code to identify specific condition or disease
ICD-10-CM Alphabetical Index References for 'Q92.5 - Duplications with other complex rearrangements'
The ICD-10-CM Alphabetical Index links the below-listed medical terms to the ICD code Q92.5. Click on any term below to browse the alphabetical index.
This is the official approximate match mapping between ICD9 and ICD10, as provided by the General Equivalency mapping crosswalk. This means that while there is no exact mapping between this ICD10 code Q92.5 and a single ICD9 code, 758.5 is an approximate match for comparison and conversion purposes.
Parent Code: Q92 - Other trisomies and partial trisomies of the autosomes, not elsewhere classified