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Abscess Code By Site Under Abscess ICD-10-CM Alphabetical Index

The ICD-10-CM Alphabetical Index is designed to allow medical coders to look up various medical terms and connect them with the appropriate ICD codes. There are 340 terms under the parent term 'Abscess Code By Site Under Abscess' in the ICD-10-CM Alphabetical Index.

Abscess Code By Site Under Abscess

See Code: L02.91

diverticular disease (intestine) K57.80
with bleeding K57.81
large intestine K57.20
bleeding K57.21
small intestine K57.40
with bleeding K57.41
small intestine K57.00
bleeding K57.01
large intestine K57.40
with bleeding K57.41
lymphangitis - code by site under Abscess
abdomen, abdominal
cavity K65.1
wall L02.211
abdominopelvic K65.1
accessory sinus - see Sinusitis
adrenal (capsule) (gland) E27.8
alveolar K04.7
with sinus K04.6
amebic A06.4
brain (and liver or lung abscess) A06.6
genitourinary tract A06.82
liver (without mention of brain or lung abscess) A06.4
lung (and liver) (without mention of brain abscess) A06.5
specified site NEC A06.89
spleen A06.89
anerobic A48.0
ankle - see Abscess, lower limb
anorectal K61.2
antecubital space - see Abscess, upper limb
antrum (chronic) (Highmore) - see Sinusitis, maxillary
anus K61.0
apical (tooth) K04.7
with sinus (alveolar) K04.6
appendix K35.3
areola (acute) (chronic) (nonpuerperal) N61
puerperal, postpartum or gestational - see Infection, nipple
arm (any part) - see Abscess, upper limb
artery (wall) I77.89
atheromatous I77.2
auricle, ear - see Abscess, ear, external
axilla (region) L02.41-
lymph gland or node L04.2
back (any part, except buttock) L02.212
Bartholin's gland N75.1
abortion - see Abortion, by type complicated by, sepsis
ectopic or molar pregnancy O08.0
following ectopic or molar pregnancy O08.0
Bezold's - see Mastoiditis, acute
bilharziasis B65.1
bladder (wall) - see Cystitis, specified type NEC
bone (subperiosteal) - see also Osteomyelitis, specified type NEC
accessory sinus (chronic) - see Sinusitis
chronic or old - see Osteomyelitis, chronic
jaw (lower) (upper) M27.2
mastoid - see Mastoiditis, acute, subperiosteal
petrous - see Petrositis
spinal (tuberculous) A18.01
nontuberculous - see Osteomyelitis, vertebra
bowel K63.0
brain (any part) (cystic) (otogenic) G06.0
amebic (with abscess of any other site) A06.6
gonococcal A54.82
pheomycotic (chromomycotic) B43.1
tuberculous A17.81
breast (acute) (chronic) (nonpuerperal) N61
newborn P39.0
puerperal, postpartum, gestational - see Mastitis, obstetric, purulent
broad ligament N73.2
acute N73.0
chronic N73.1
Brodie's (localized) (chronic) M86.8X-
bronchi J98.09
buccal cavity K12.2
bulbourethral gland N34.0
bursa M71.00
ankle M71.07-
elbow M71.02-
foot M71.07-
hand M71.04-
hip M71.05-
knee M71.06-
multiple sites M71.09
pharyngeal J39.1
shoulder M71.01-
specified site NEC M71.08
wrist M71.03-
buttock L02.31
canthus - see Blepharoconjunctivitis
cartilage - see Disorder, cartilage, specified type NEC
cecum K35.3
cerebellum, cerebellar G06.0
sequelae G09
cerebral (embolic) G06.0
sequelae G09
cervical (meaning neck) L02.11
lymph gland or node L04.0
cervix (stump) (uteri) - see Cervicitis
cheek (external) L02.01
inner K12.2
chest J86.9
with fistula J86.0
wall L02.213
chin L02.01
choroid - see Inflammation, chorioretinal
circumtonsillar J36
cold (lung) (tuberculous) - see also Tuberculosis, abscess, lung
articular - see Tuberculosis, joint
colon (wall) K63.0
colostomy K94.02
conjunctiva - see Conjunctivitis, acute
cornea H16.31-
cavernosum N48.21
luteum - see Oophoritis
Cowper's gland N34.0
cranium G06.0
cul-de-sac (Douglas') (posterior) - see Peritonitis, pelvic, female
cutaneous - see Abscess, by site
dental K04.7
with sinus (alveolar) K04.6
dentoalveolar K04.7
with sinus K04.6
diaphragm, diaphragmatic K65.1
Douglas' cul-de-sac or pouch - see Peritonitis, pelvic, female
Dubois A50.59
ear (middle) - see also Otitis, media, suppurative
acute - see Otitis, media, suppurative, acute
external H60.0-
entamebic - see Abscess, amebic
enterostomy K94.12
epididymis N45.4
epidural G06.2
brain G06.0
spinal cord G06.1
epiglottis J38.7
epiploon, epiploic K65.1
erysipelatous - see Erysipelas
esophagus K20.8
ethmoid (bone) (chronic) (sinus) J32.2
external auditory canal - see Abscess, ear, external
extradural G06.2
brain G06.0
sequelae G09
spinal cord G06.1
extraperitoneal K68.19
eye - see Endophthalmitis, purulent
eyelid H00.03-
face (any part, except ear, eye and nose) L02.01
fallopian tube - see Salpingitis
fascia M72.8
fauces J39.1
fecal K63.0
femoral (region) - see Abscess, lower limb
filaria, filarial - see Infestation, filarial
finger (any) - see also Abscess, hand
nail - see Cellulitis, finger
foot L02.61-
forehead L02.01
frontal sinus (chronic) J32.1
gallbladder K81.0
genital organ or tract
female (external) N76.4
male N49.9
multiple sites N49.8
specified NEC N49.8
gestational mammary O91.11-
gestational subareolar O91.11-
gingival K05.21
gland, glandular (lymph) (acute) - see Lymphadenitis, acute
gluteal (region) L02.31
gonorrheal - see Gonococcus
groin L02.214
gum K05.21
hand L02.51-
head NEC L02.811
face (any part, except ear, eye and nose) L02.01
heart - see Carditis
heel - see Abscess, foot
helminthic - see Infestation, helminth
hepatic (cholangitic) (hematogenic) (lymphogenic) (pylephlebitic) K75.0
amebic A06.4
hip (region) - see Abscess, lower limb
ileocecal K35.3
ileostomy (bud) K94.12
iliac (region) L02.214
fossa K35.3
infraclavicular (fossa) - see Abscess, upper limb
inguinal (region) L02.214
lymph gland or node L04.1
intestine, intestinal NEC K63.0
rectal K61.1
intra-abdominal K65.1 - see also Abscess, peritoneum
postoperative T81.4
retroperitoneal K68.11
intracranial G06.0
intramammary - see Abscess, breast
intraorbital - see Abscess, orbit
intraperitoneal K65.1
intrasphincteric (anus) K61.4
intraspinal G06.1
intratonsillar J36
ischiorectal (fossa) K61.3
jaw (bone) (lower) (upper) M27.2
joint - see Arthritis, pyogenic or pyemic
spine (tuberculous) A18.01
nontuberculous - see Spondylopathy, infective
kidney N15.1
with calculus N20.0
with hydronephrosis N13.6
puerperal (postpartum) O86.21
knee - see also Abscess, lower limb
joint M00.9
labium (majus) (minus) N76.4
caruncle - see Inflammation, lacrimal, passages, acute
gland - see Dacryoadenitis
passages (duct) (sac) - see Inflammation, lacrimal, passages, acute
lacunar N34.0
larynx J38.7
lateral (alveolar) K04.7
with sinus K04.6
leg (any part) - see Abscess, lower limb
lens H27.8
lingual K14.0
tonsil J36
lip K13.0
Littre's gland N34.0
liver (cholangitic) (hematogenic) (lymphogenic) (pylephlebitic) (pyogenic) K75.0
amebic (due to Entamoeba histolytica) (dysenteric) (tropical) A06.4
brain abscess (and liver or lung abscess) A06.6
lung abscess A06.5
loin (region) L02.211
lower limb L02.41-
lumbar (tuberculous) A18.01
nontuberculous L02.212
lung (miliary) (putrid) J85.2
with pneumonia J85.1
due to specified organism (see Pneumonia, in (due to))
amebic (with liver abscess) A06.5
brain abscess A06.6
pneumonia A06.5
lymph, lymphatic, gland or node (acute) - see also Lymphadenitis, acute
mesentery I88.0
malar M27.2
mammary gland - see Abscess, breast
marginal, anus K61.0
mastoid - see Mastoiditis, acute
maxilla, maxillary M27.2
molar (tooth) K04.7
with sinus K04.6
premolar K04.7
sinus (chronic) J32.0
mediastinum J85.3
meibomian gland - see Hordeolum
meninges G06.2
mesentery, mesenteric K65.1
mesosalpinx - see Salpingitis
mons pubis L02.215
mouth (floor) K12.2
muscle - see Myositis, infective
myocardium I40.0
nabothian (follicle) - see Cervicitis
nasal J32.9
nasopharyngeal J39.1
navel L02.216
newborn P38.9
with mild hemorrhage P38.1
without hemorrhage P38.9
neck (region) L02.11
lymph gland or node L04.0
nephritic - see Abscess, kidney
nipple N61
associated with
lactation - see Pregnancy, complicated by,
pregnancy - see Pregnancy, complicated by
nose (external) (fossa) (septum) J34.0
sinus (chronic) - see Sinusitis
omentum K65.1
operative wound T81.4
orbit, orbital - see Cellulitis, orbit
otogenic G06.0
ovary, ovarian (corpus luteum) - see Oophoritis
oviduct - see Oophoritis
palate (soft) K12.2
hard M27.2
palmar (space) - see Abscess, hand
pancreas (duct) - see Pancreatitis, acute
parafrenal N48.21
parametric, parametrium N73.2
acute N73.0
chronic N73.1
paranephric N15.1
parapancreatic - see Pancreatitis, acute
parapharyngeal J39.0
pararectal K61.1
parasinus - see Sinusitis
parauterine N73.2 - see also Disease, pelvis, inflammatory
paravaginal - see Vaginitis
parietal region (scalp) L02.811
parodontal K05.21
parotid (duct) (gland) K11.3
region K12.2
pectoral (region) L02.213
pelvis, pelvic
female - see Disease, pelvis, inflammatory
male, peritoneal K65.1
penis N48.21
gonococcal (accessory gland) (periurethral) A54.1
perianal K61.0
periapical K04.7
with sinus (alveolar) K04.6
periappendicular K35.3
pericardial I30.1
pericecal K35.3
pericemental K05.21
pericholecystic - see Cholecystitis, acute
pericoronal K05.21
peridental K05.21
perimetric N73.2 - see also Disease, pelvis, inflammatory
perinephric, perinephritic - see Abscess, kidney
perineum, perineal (superficial) L02.215
urethra N34.0
periodontal (parietal) K05.21
apical K04.7
periosteum, periosteal - see also Osteomyelitis, specified type NEC
with osteomyelitis - see also Osteomyelitis, specified type NEC
acute - see Osteomyelitis, acute
chronic - see Osteomyelitis, chronic
peripharyngeal J39.0
peripleuritic J86.9
with fistula J86.0
periprostatic N41.2
perirectal K61.1
perirenal (tissue) - see Abscess, kidney
perisinuous (nose) - see Sinusitis
peritoneum, peritoneal (perforated) (ruptured) K65.1
with appendicitis K35.3
female - see Peritonitis, pelvic, female
male K65.1
postoperative T81.4
puerperal, postpartum, childbirth O85
tuberculous A18.31
peritonsillar J36
perityphlic K35.3
periureteral N28.89
periurethral N34.0
gonococcal (accessory gland) (periurethral) A54.1
periuterine N73.2 - see also Disease, pelvis, inflammatory
perivesical - see Cystitis, specified type NEC
petrous bone - see Petrositis
phagedenic NOS L02.91
chancroid A57
pharynx, pharyngeal (lateral) J39.1
pilonidal L05.01
pituitary (gland) E23.6
pleura J86.9
with fistula J86.0
popliteal - see Abscess, lower limb
postcecal K35.3
postlaryngeal J38.7
postnasal J34.0
postoperative (any site) T81.4
retroperitoneal K68.11
postpharyngeal J39.0
posttonsillar J36
post-typhoid A01.09
pouch of Douglas - see Peritonitis, pelvic, female
premammary - see Abscess, breast
prepatellar - see Abscess, lower limb
prostate N41.2
gonococcal (acute) (chronic) A54.22
psoas muscle K68.12
puerperal - code by site under Puerperal, abscess
pulmonary - see Abscess, lung
pulp, pulpal (dental) K04.0
rectovaginal septum K63.0
rectovesical - see Cystitis, specified type NEC
rectum K61.1
renal - see Abscess, kidney
retina - see Inflammation, chorioretinal
retrobulbar - see Abscess, orbit
retrocecal K65.1
retrolaryngeal J38.7
retromammary - see Abscess, breast
retroperitoneal NEC K68.19
postprocedural K68.11
retropharyngeal J39.0
retrouterine - see Peritonitis, pelvic, female
retrovesical - see Cystitis, specified type NEC
root, tooth K04.7
with sinus (alveolar) K04.6
round ligament N73.2 - see also Disease, pelvis, inflammatory
rupture (spontaneous) NOS L02.91
sacrum (tuberculous) A18.01
nontuberculous M46.28
salivary (duct) (gland) K11.3
scalp (any part) L02.811
scapular - see Osteomyelitis, specified type NEC
sclera - see Scleritis
scrofulous (tuberculous) A18.2
scrotum N49.2
seminal vesicle N49.0
septal, dental K04.7
with sinus (alveolar) K04.6
serous - see Periostitis
shoulder (region) - see Abscess, upper limb
sigmoid K63.0
sinus (accessory) (chronic) (nasal) - see also Sinusitis
intracranial venous (any) G06.0
Skene's duct or gland N34.0
skin - see Abscess, by site
specified site NEC L02.818
spermatic cord N49.1
sphenoidal (sinus) (chronic) J32.3
spinal cord (any part) (staphylococcal) G06.1
tuberculous A17.81
spine (column) (tuberculous) A18.01
epidural G06.1
nontuberculous - see Osteomyelitis, vertebra
spleen D73.3
amebic A06.89
stitch T81.4
subarachnoid G06.2
brain G06.0
spinal cord G06.1
subareolar - see Abscess, breast
subcecal K35.3
subcutaneous - see also Abscess, by site
pheomycotic (chromomycotic) B43.2
subdiaphragmatic K65.1
subdural G06.2
brain G06.0
sequelae G09
spinal cord G06.1
subgaleal L02.811
subhepatic K65.1
sublingual K12.2
gland K11.3
submammary - see Abscess, breast
submandibular (region) (space) (triangle) K12.2
gland K11.3
submaxillary (region) L02.01
gland K11.3
submental L02.01
gland K11.3
subperiosteal - see Osteomyelitis, specified type NEC
subphrenic K65.1
postoperative T81.4
suburethral N34.0
sudoriparous L75.8
supraclavicular (fossa) - see Abscess, upper limb
suprapelvic, acute N73.0
suprarenal (capsule) (gland) E27.8
sweat gland L74.8
tear duct - see Inflammation, lacrimal, passages, acute
temple L02.01
temporal region L02.01
temporosphenoidal G06.0
tendon (sheath) M65.00
ankle M65.07-
foot M65.07-
forearm M65.03-
hand M65.04-
lower leg M65.06-
pelvic region M65.05-
shoulder region M65.01-
specified site NEC M65.08
thigh M65.05-
upper arm M65.02-
testis N45.4
thigh - see Abscess, lower limb
thorax J86.9
with fistula J86.0
throat J39.1
thumb - see also Abscess, hand
nail - see Cellulitis, finger
thymus (gland) E32.1
thyroid (gland) E06.0
toe (any) - see also Abscess, foot
nail - see Cellulitis, toe
tongue (staphylococcal) K14.0
tonsil (s) (lingual) J36
tonsillopharyngeal J36
tooth, teeth (root) K04.7
with sinus (alveolar) K04.6
supporting structures NEC K05.21
trachea J39.8
trunk L02.219
abdominal wall L02.211
back L02.212
chest wall L02.213
groin L02.214
perineum L02.215
umbilicus L02.216
tubal - see Salpingitis
tuberculous - see Tuberculosis, abscess
tubo-ovarian - see Salpingo-oophoritis
tunica vaginalis N49.1
umbilicus L02.216
limb L02.41-
respiratory J39.8
urethral (gland) N34.0
urinary N34.0
uterus, uterine (wall) - see also Endometritis
ligament N73.2 - see also Disease, pelvis, inflammatory
neck - see Cervicitis
uvula K12.2
vagina (wall) - see Vaginitis
vaginorectal - see Vaginitis
vas deferens N49.1
vermiform appendix K35.3
vertebra (column) (tuberculous) A18.01
nontuberculous - see Osteomyelitis, vertebra
vesical - see Cystitis, specified type NEC
vesico-uterine pouch - see Peritonitis, pelvic, female
vitreous (humor) - see Endophthalmitis, purulent
vocal cord J38.3
von Bezold's - see Mastoiditis, acute
vulva N76.4
vulvovaginal gland N75.1
web space - see Abscess, hand
wound T81.4
wrist - see Abscess, upper limb
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Source: http://icd.codes/icd10cm/alphabetical-index/abscess-code-by-site-under-abscess