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Allergy ICD-10-CM Alphabetical Index

The ICD-10-CM Alphabetical Index is designed to allow medical coders to look up various medical terms and connect them with the appropriate ICD codes. There are 48 terms under the parent term 'Allergy' in the ICD-10-CM Alphabetical Index.


See Code: T78.40

air-borne substance NEC (rhinitis) J30.89
alveolitis (extrinsic) J67.9
due to
Aspergillus clavatus J67.4
Cryptostroma corticale J67.6
organisms (fungal, thermophilic actinomycete) growing in ventilation (air conditioning) systems J67.7
specified type NEC J67.8
anaphylactic reaction or shock T78.2
angioneurotic edema T78.3
animal (dander) (epidermal) (hair) (rhinitis) J30.81
bee sting (anaphylactic shock) - see Toxicity, venom, arthropod, bee
biological - see Allergy, drug
colitis K52.2
dander (animal) (rhinitis) J30.81
dandruff (rhinitis) J30.81
dental restorative material (existing) K08.55
dermatitis - see Dermatitis, contact, allergic
diathesis - see History, allergy
drug, medicament & biological (any) (external) (internal) T78.40
correct substance properly administered - see Table of Drugs and Chemicals, by drug, adverse effect
wrong substance given or taken NEC (by accident) - see Table of Drugs and Chemicals, by drug, poisoning
due to pollen J30.1
dust (house) (stock) (rhinitis) J30.89
with asthma - see Asthma, allergic extrinsic
eczema - see Dermatitis, contact, allergic
epidermal (animal) (rhinitis) J30.81
feathers (rhinitis) J30.89
food (any) (ingested) NEC T78.1
anaphylactic shock - see Shock, anaphylactic, due to food
dermatitis - see Dermatitis, due to, food
dietary counseling and surveillance Z71.3
in contact with skin L23.6
rhinitis J30.5
status (without reaction) Z91.018
eggs Z91.012
milk products Z91.011
peanuts Z91.010
seafood Z91.013
specified NEC Z91.018
gastrointestinal K52.2
grain J30.1
grass (hay fever) (pollen) J30.1
asthma - see Asthma, allergic extrinsic
hair (animal) (rhinitis) J30.81
history (of) - see History, allergy
horse serum - see Allergy, serum
inhalant (rhinitis) J30.89
pollen J30.1
kapok (rhinitis) J30.89
medicine - see Allergy, drug
milk protein K52.2
nasal, seasonal due to pollen J30.1
pneumonia J82
pollen (any) (hay fever) J30.1
asthma - see Asthma, allergic extrinsic
primrose J30.1
primula J30.1
purpura D69.0
ragweed (hay fever) (pollen) J30.1
asthma - see Asthma, allergic extrinsic
rose (pollen) J30.1
seasonal NEC J30.2
Senecio jacobae (pollen) J30.1
serum T80.69 - see also Reaction, serum
anaphylactic shock T80.59
shock (anaphylactic) T78.2
due to
administration of blood and blood products T80.51
adverse effect of correct medicinal substance properly administered T88.6
immunization T80.52
serum NEC T80.59
vaccination T80.52
specific NEC T78.49
tree (any) (hay fever) (pollen) J30.1
asthma - see Asthma, allergic extrinsic
upper respiratory J30.9
urticaria L50.0
vaccine - see Allergy, serum
wheat - see Allergy, food
** This Document Provided By ICD.Codes **
Source: http://icd.codes/icd10cm/alphabetical-index/allergy