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Hemorrhage ICD-10-CM Alphabetical Index

The ICD-10-CM Alphabetical Index is designed to allow medical coders to look up various medical terms and connect them with the appropriate ICD codes. There are 203 terms under the parent term 'Hemorrhage' in the ICD-10-CM Alphabetical Index.


See Code: R58

abdomen R58
accidental antepartum - see Hemorrhage, antepartum
acute idiopathic pulmonary, in infants R04.81
adenoid J35.8
adrenal (capsule) (gland) E27.49
medulla E27.8
newborn P54.4
after delivery - see Hemorrhage, postpartum
lung, newborn P26.8
process K08.8
alveolus K08.8
amputation stump (surgical) T87.89
anemia (chronic) D50.0
acute D62
antepartum (with) O46.90
with coagulation defect O46.00-
afibrinogenemia O46.01-
disseminated intravascular coagulation O46.02-
hypofibrinogenemia O46.01-
specified defect NEC O46.09-
before 20 weeks gestation O20.9
specified type NEC O20.8
threatened abortion O20.0
due to
abruptio placenta O45.9- - see also Abruptio placentae
leiomyoma, uterus - see Hemorrhage, antepartum, specified cause NEC
placenta previa O44.1-
specified cause NEC
anus (sphincter) K62.5
apoplexy (stroke) - see Hemorrhage, intracranial, intracerebral
arachnoid - see Hemorrhage, intracranial, subarachnoid
artery R58
brain - see Hemorrhage, intracranial, intracerebral
basilar (ganglion) I61.0
bladder N32.89
bowel K92.2
newborn P54.3
brain (miliary) (nontraumatic) - see Hemorrhage, intracranial, intracerebral
due to
birth injury P10.1
syphilis A52.05
epidural or extradural (traumatic) - see Injury, intracranial, epidural hemorrhage
newborn P52.4
birth injury P10.1
subarachnoid - see Hemorrhage, intracranial, subarachnoid
subdural - see Hemorrhage, intracranial, subdural
brainstem (nontraumatic) I61.3
traumatic S06.38-
breast N64.59
bronchial tube - see Hemorrhage, lung
bronchopulmonary - see Hemorrhage, lung
bronchus - see Hemorrhage, lung
bulbar I61.5
capillary I78.8
primary D69.8
cecum K92.2
cerebellar, cerebellum (nontraumatic) I61.4
newborn P52.6
traumatic S06.37-
cerebral, cerebrum - see also Hemorrhage, intracranial, intracerebral
newborn (anoxic) P52.4
birth injury P10.1
lobe I61.1
cerebromeningeal I61.8
cerebrospinal - see Hemorrhage, intracranial, intracerebral
cervix (uteri) (stump) NEC N88.8
chamber, anterior (eye) - see Hyphema
childbirth - see Hemorrhage, complicating, delivery
choroid H31.30-
expulsive H31.31-
ciliary body - see Hyphema
colon K92.2
abortion - see Abortion, by type, complicated by, hemorrhage
delivery O67.9
associated with coagulation defect (afibrinogenemia) (DIC) (hyperfibrinolysis) O67.0
specified cause NEC O67.8
surgical procedure - see Hemorrhage, intraoperative
conjunctiva H11.3-
newborn P54.8
cord, newborn (stump) P51.9
corpus luteum (ruptured) cyst N83.1
cortical (brain) I61.1
cranial - see Hemorrhage, intracranial
cutaneous R23.3
due to autosensitivity, erythrocyte D69.2
newborn P54.5
following ectopic or molar pregnancy O08.1
postpartum O72.2
diathesis (familial) D69.9
disease D69.9
newborn P53
specified type NEC D69.8
due to or associated with
afibrinogenemia or other coagulation defect (conditions in categories D65-D69)
antepartum - see Hemorrhage, antepartum, with coagulation defect
intrapartum O67.0
dental implant M27.61
device, implant or graft T85.83 - see also Complications, by site and type, specified NEC
arterial graft NEC T82.838
breast T85.83
catheter NEC T85.83
dialysis (renal) T82.838
intraperitoneal T85.83
infusion NEC T82.838
spinal (epidural) (subdural) T85.83
urinary (indwelling) T83.83
electronic (electrode) (pulse generator) (stimulator)
bone T84.83
cardiac T82.837
nervous system (brain) (peripheral nerve) (spinal) T85.83
urinary T83.83
fixation, internal (orthopedic) NEC T84.83
gastrointestinal (bile duct) (esophagus) T85.83
genital NEC T83.83
heart NEC T82.837
joint prosthesis T84.83
ocular (corneal graft) (orbital implant) NEC T85.83
orthopedic NEC T84.83
bone graft T86.838
specified NEC T85.83
urinary NEC T83.83
vascular NEC T82.838
ventricular intracranial shunt T85.83
duodenum, duodenal K92.2
ulcer - see Ulcer, duodenum, with hemorrhage
dura mater - see Hemorrhage, intracranial, subdural
endotracheal - see Hemorrhage, lung
epicranial subaponeurotic (massive), birth injury P12.2
epidural (traumatic) - see also Injury, intracranial, epidural hemorrhage
nontraumatic I62.1
esophagus K22.8
varix I85.01
secondary I85.11
excessive, following ectopic gestation (subsequent episode) O08.1
extradural (traumatic) - see Injury, intracranial, epidural hemorrhage
birth injury P10.8
newborn (anoxic) (nontraumatic) P52.8
nontraumatic I62.1
eye NEC H57.8
fundus - see Hemorrhage, retina
lid - see Disorder, eyelid, specified type NEC
fallopian tube N83.6
fibrinogenolysis - see Fibrinolysis
fibrinolytic (acquired) - see Fibrinolysis
ear (nontraumatic) - see Otorrhagia
tracheostomy stoma J95.01
fundus, eye - see Hemorrhage, retina
funis - see Hemorrhage, umbilicus, cord
gastric - see Hemorrhage, stomach
gastroenteric K92.2
newborn P54.3
gastrointestinal (tract) K92.2
newborn P54.3
genital organ, male N50.1
genitourinary (tract) NOS R31.9
gingiva K06.8
globe (eye) - see Hemophthalmos
graafian follicle cyst (ruptured) N83.0
gum K06.8
heart I51.89
hypopharyngeal (throat) R04.1
intermenstrual (regular) N92.3
irregular N92.1
internal (organs) NEC R58
capsule I61.0
newborn P54.8
intestine K92.2
newborn P54.3
intra-abdominal R58
intra-alveolar (lung), newborn P26.8
intracerebral (nontraumatic) - see Hemorrhage, intracranial, intracerebral
intracranial (nontraumatic) I62.9
birth injury P10.9
epidural, nontraumatic I62.1
extradural, nontraumatic I62.1
newborn P52.9
specified NEC P52.8
intracerebral (nontraumatic) (in) I61.9
brain stem I61.3
cerebellum I61.4
newborn P52.4
birth injury P10.1
hemisphere I61.2
cortical (superficial) I61.1
subcortical (deep) I61.0
during a nervous system procedure G97.31
during other procedure G97.32
intraventricular I61.5
multiple localized I61.6
following a nervous system procedure G97.51
following other procedure G97.52
specified NEC I61.8
superficial I61.1
traumatic (diffuse) - see Injury, intracranial, diffuse
focal - see Injury, intracranial, focal
subarachnoid (nontraumatic) (from) I60.9
newborn P52.5
birth injury P10.3
intracranial (cerebral) artery I60.7
anterior communicating I60.2-
basilar I60.4
carotid siphon and bifurcation I60.0-
communicating I60.7
anterior I60.2-
posterior I60.3-
middle cerebral I60.1-
posterior communicating I60.3-
specified artery NEC I60.6
vertebral I60.5-
specified NEC I60.8
traumatic S06.6X-
subdural (nontraumatic) I62.00
acute I62.01
birth injury P10.0
chronic I62.03
newborn (anoxic) (hypoxic) P52.8
birth injury P10.0
spinal G95.19
subacute I62.02
traumatic - see Injury, intracranial, subdural hemorrhage
traumatic - see Injury, intracranial, focal brain injury
intramedullary NEC G95.19
intraocular - see Hemophthalmos
intraoperative, intraprocedural - see Complication, hemorrhage (hematoma), intraoperative (intraprocedural), by site
intrapartum - see Hemorrhage, complicating, delivery
female N94.89
male K66.1
intraperitoneal K66.1
intrapontine I61.3
intraprocedural - see Complication, hemorrhage (hematoma), intraoperative (intraprocedural), by site
intrauterine N85.7
complicating delivery O67.9 - see also Hemorrhage, complicating, delivery
postpartum - see Hemorrhage, postpartum
intraventricular I61.5
newborn (nontraumatic) P52.3 - see also Newborn, affected by, hemorrhage
due to birth injury P10.2
1 P52.0
2 P52.1
3 P52.21
4 P52.22
intravesical N32.89
iris (postinfectional) (postinflammatory) (toxic) - see Hyphema
joint (nontraumatic) - see Hemarthrosis
kidney N28.89
knee (joint) (nontraumatic) - see Hemarthrosis, knee
lenticular striate artery I61.0
ligature, vessel - see Hemorrhage, postoperative
liver K76.89
lung R04.89
newborn P26.9
massive P26.1
specified NEC P26.8
tuberculous - see Tuberculosis, pulmonary
massive umbilical, newborn P51.0
mediastinum - see Hemorrhage, lung
medulla I61.3
membrane (brain) I60.8
spinal cord - see Hemorrhage, spinal cord
meninges, meningeal (brain) (middle) I60.8
spinal cord - see Hemorrhage, spinal cord
mesentery K66.1
metritis - see Endometritis
mouth K13.79
mucous membrane NEC R58
newborn P54.8
muscle M62.89
nail (subungual) L60.8
nasal turbinate R04.0
newborn P54.8
navel, newborn P51.9
newborn P54.9
specified NEC P54.8
nipple N64.59
nose R04.0
newborn P54.8
omentum K66.1
optic nerve (sheath) H47.02-
orbit, orbital H05.23-
ovary NEC N83.8
oviduct N83.6
pancreas K86.8
parathyroid (gland) (spontaneous) E21.4
parturition - see Hemorrhage, complicating, delivery
penis N48.89
pericardium, pericarditis I31.2
peritoneum, peritoneal K66.1
peritonsillar tissue J35.8
due to infection J36
petechial R23.3
due to autosensitivity, erythrocyte D69.2
pituitary (gland) E23.6
pleura - see Hemorrhage, lung
polioencephalitis, superior E51.2
polymyositis - see Polymyositis
pons, pontine I61.3
posterior fossa (nontraumatic) I61.8
newborn P52.6
postmenopausal N95.0
postnasal R04.0
postoperative - see Complications, postprocedural, hemorrhage, by site
postpartum NEC (following delivery of placenta) O72.1
delayed or secondary O72.2
retained placenta O72.0
third stage O72.0
pregnancy - see Hemorrhage, antepartum
preretinal - see Hemorrhage, retina
prostate N42.1
puerperal - see Hemorrhage, postpartum
delayed or secondary O72.2
pulmonary R04.89
newborn P26.9
massive P26.1
specified NEC P26.8
tuberculous - see Tuberculosis, pulmonary
purpura (primary) D69.3
rectum (sphincter) K62.5
newborn P54.2
recurring, following initial hemorrhage at time of injury T79.2
renal N28.89
respiratory passage or tract R04.9
specified NEC R04.89
retina, retinal (vessels) H35.6-
diabetic - see Diabetes, retinal, hemorrhage
retroperitoneal R58
scalp R58
scrotum N50.1
secondary (nontraumatic) R58
following initial hemorrhage at time of injury T79.2
seminal vesicle N50.1
skin R23.3
newborn P54.5
slipped umbilical ligature P51.8
spermatic cord N50.1
spinal (cord) G95.19
newborn (birth injury) P11.5
spleen D73.5
intraoperative - see Complications, intraoperative, hemorrhage, spleen
postprocedural - see Complications, postprocedural, hemorrhage, spleen
stomach K92.2
newborn P54.3
ulcer - see Ulcer, stomach, with hemorrhage
subarachnoid (nontraumatic) - see Hemorrhage, intracranial, subarachnoid
subconjunctival - see also Hemorrhage, conjunctiva
birth injury P15.3
subcortical (brain) I61.0
subcutaneous R23.3
subdiaphragmatic R58
subdural (acute) (nontraumatic) - see Hemorrhage, intracranial, subdural
newborn P52.0
with intraventricular extension P52.1
and intracerebral extension P52.22
subgaleal P12.1
subhyaloid - see Hemorrhage, retina
subperiosteal - see Disorder, bone, specified type NEC
subretinal - see Hemorrhage, retina
subtentorial - see Hemorrhage, intracranial, subdural
subungual L60.8
suprarenal (capsule) (gland) E27.49
newborn P54.4
tentorium (traumatic) NEC - see Hemorrhage, brain
newborn (birth injury) P10.4
testis N50.1
third stage (postpartum) O72.0
thorax - see Hemorrhage, lung
throat R04.1
thymus (gland) E32.8
thyroid (cyst) (gland) E07.89
tongue K14.8
tonsil J35.8
trachea - see Hemorrhage, lung
tracheobronchial R04.89
newborn P26.0
traumatic - code to specific injury
cerebellar - see Hemorrhage, brain
intracranial - see Hemorrhage, brain
recurring or secondary (following initial hemorrhage at time of injury) T79.2
tuberculous NEC A15.0 - see also Tuberculosis, pulmonary
tunica vaginalis N50.1
ulcer - code by site under Ulcer, with hemorrhage K27.4
umbilicus, umbilical
after birth, newborn P51.9
complicating delivery O69.5
newborn P51.9
massive P51.0
slipped ligature P51.8
stump P51.9
urethra (idiopathic) N36.8
uterus, uterine (abnormal) N93.9
climacteric N92.4
complicating delivery - see Hemorrhage, complicating, delivery
dysfunctional or functional N93.8
intermenstrual (regular) N92.3
irregular N92.1
postmenopausal N95.0
postpartum - see Hemorrhage, postpartum
preclimacteric or premenopausal N92.4
prepubertal N93.8
pubertal N92.2
vagina (abnormal) N93.9
newborn P54.6
vas deferens N50.1
vasa previa O69.4
ventricular I61.5
vesical N32.89
viscera NEC R58
newborn P54.8
vitreous (humor) (intraocular) H43.1-
vulva N90.89
** This Document Provided By ICD.Codes **
Source: http://icd.codes/icd10cm/alphabetical-index/hemorrhage