Hernia ICD-10-CM Alphabetical Index
The ICD-10-CM Alphabetical Index is designed to allow medical coders to look up various medical terms and connect them with the appropriate ICD codes. There are 93 terms under the parent term 'Hernia' in the ICD-10-CM Alphabetical Index.
See Code: K46.9
withgangrene - see Hernia, by site, with, gangrene
incarceration - see Hernia, by site, with, obstruction
irreducible - see Hernia, by site, with, obstruction
obstruction - see Hernia, by site, with, obstruction
strangulation - see Hernia, by site, with, obstruction
abdomen, abdominal K46.9
gangrene (and obstruction) K46.1
obstruction K46.0
femoral - see Hernia, femoral
incisional - see Hernia, incisional
inguinal - see Hernia, inguinal
specified site NEC K45.8
gangrene (and obstruction) K45.1
obstruction K45.0
umbilical - see Hernia, umbilical
wall - see Hernia, ventral
appendix - see Hernia, abdomen
bladder (mucosa) (sphincter)
congenital (female) (male) Q79.51
female - see Cystocele
male N32.89
brain, congenital - see Encephalocele
cartilage, vertebra - see Displacement, intervertebral disc
cerebral, congenital - see also Encephalocele
endaural Q01.8
ciliary body (traumatic) S05.2-
colon - see Hernia, abdomen
Cooper's - see Hernia, abdomen, specified site NEC
crural - see Hernia, femoral
diaphragm, diaphragmatic K44.9
gangrene (and obstruction) K44.1
obstruction K44.0
congenital Q79.0
direct (inguinal) - see Hernia, inguinal
diverticulum, intestine - see Hernia, abdomen
double (inguinal) - see Hernia, inguinal, bilateral
due to adhesions (with obstruction) K56.5
epigastric K43.9 - see also Hernia, ventral
esophageal hiatus - see Hernia, hiatal
external (inguinal) - see Hernia, inguinal
fallopian tube N83.4
fascia M62.89
femoral K41.90
gangrene (and obstruction) K41.40
not specified as recurrent K41.40
recurrent K41.41
obstruction K41.30
not specified as recurrent K41.30
recurrent K41.31
bilateral K41.20
gangrene (and obstruction) K41.10
not specified as recurrent K41.10
recurrent K41.11
obstruction K41.00
not specified as recurrent K41.00
recurrent K41.01
not specified as recurrent K41.20
recurrent K41.21
unilateral K41.90
gangrene (and obstruction) K41.40
not specified as recurrent K41.40
recurrent K41.41
obstruction K41.30
not specified as recurrent K41.30
recurrent K41.31
not specified as recurrent K41.90
recurrent K41.91
not specified as recurrent K41.90
recurrent K41.91
foramen magnum G93.5
congenital Q01.8
funicular (umbilical) - see also Hernia, umbilicus
spermatic (cord) - see Hernia, inguinal
gastrointestinal tract - see Hernia, abdomen
Hesselbach's - see Hernia, femoral, specified site NEC
hiatal (esophageal) (sliding) K44.9
gangrene (and obstruction) K44.1
obstruction K44.0
congenital Q40.1
hypogastric - see Hernia, ventral
incarcerated - see also Hernia, by site, with obstruction
with gangrene - see Hernia, by site, with gangrene
incisional K43.2
gangrene (and obstruction) K43.1
obstruction K43.0
indirect (inguinal) - see Hernia, inguinal
inguinal (direct) (external) (funicular) (indirect) (internal) (oblique) (scrotal) (sliding) K40.90
gangrene (and obstruction) K40.40
not specified as recurrent K40.40
recurrent K40.41
obstruction K40.30
not specified as recurrent K40.30
recurrent K40.31
not specified as recurrent K40.90
recurrent K40.91
bilateral K40.20
gangrene (and obstruction) K40.10
not specified as recurrent K40.10
recurrent K40.11
obstruction K40.00
not specified as recurrent K40.00
recurrent K40.01
not specified as recurrent K40.20
recurrent K40.21
unilateral K40.90
gangrene (and obstruction) K40.40
not specified as recurrent K40.40
recurrent K40.41
obstruction K40.30
not specified as recurrent K40.30
recurrent K40.31
not specified as recurrent K40.90
recurrent K40.91
internal - see also Hernia, abdomen
inguinal - see Hernia, inguinal
interstitial - see Hernia, abdomen
intervertebral cartilage or disc - see Displacement, intervertebral disc
intestine, intestinal - see Hernia, by site
intra-abdominal - see Hernia, abdomen
iris (traumatic) S05.2-
irreducible - see also Hernia, by site, with obstruction
with gangrene - see Hernia, by site, with gangrene
ischiatic - see Hernia, abdomen, specified site NEC
ischiorectal - see Hernia, abdomen, specified site NEC
lens (traumatic) S05.2-
linea (alba) (semilunaris) - see Hernia, ventral
Littre's - see Hernia, abdomen
lumbar - see Hernia, abdomen, specified site NEC
lung (subcutaneous) J98.4
mediastinum J98.5
mesenteric (internal) - see Hernia, abdomen
midline - see Hernia, ventral
muscle (sheath) M62.89
nucleus pulposus - see Displacement, intervertebral disc
oblique (inguinal) - see Hernia, inguinal
obstructive - see also Hernia, by site, with obstruction
with gangrene - see Hernia, by site, with gangrene
obturator - see Hernia, abdomen, specified site NEC
omental - see Hernia, abdomen
ovary N83.4
oviduct N83.4
paraesophageal - see also Hernia, diaphragm
congenital Q40.1
parastomal K43.5
gangrene (and obstruction) K43.4
obstruction K43.3
paraumbilical - see Hernia, umbilicus
perineal - see Hernia, abdomen, specified site NEC
Petit's - see Hernia, abdomen, specified site NEC
postoperative - see Hernia, incisional
pregnant uterus - see Abnormal, uterus in pregnancy or childbirth
prevesical N32.89
properitoneal - see Hernia, abdomen, specified site NEC
pudendal - see Hernia, abdomen, specified site NEC
rectovaginal N81.6
retroperitoneal - see Hernia, abdomen, specified site NEC
Richter's - see Hernia, abdomen, with obstruction
Rieux's, Riex's - see Hernia, abdomen, specified site NEC
sac condition (adhesion) (dropsy) (inflammation) (laceration) (suppuration) - code by site under Hernia
sciatic - see Hernia, abdomen, specified site NEC
scrotum, scrotal - see Hernia, inguinal
sliding (inguinal) - see also Hernia, inguinal
hiatus - see Hernia, hiatal
spigelian - see Hernia, ventral
spinal - see Spina bifida
strangulated - see also Hernia, by site, with obstruction
with gangrene - see Hernia, by site, with gangrene
subxiphoid - see Hernia, ventral
supra-umbilicus - see Hernia, ventral
tendon - see Disorder, tendon, specified type NEC
Treitz's (fossa) - see Hernia, abdomen, specified site NEC
tunica vaginalis Q55.29
umbilicus, umbilical K42.9
gangrene (and obstruction) K42.1
obstruction K42.0
ureter N28.89
urethra, congenital Q64.79
urinary meatus, congenital Q64.79
uterus N81.4
pregnant - see Abnormal, uterus in pregnancy or childbirth
vaginal (anterior) (wall) - see Cystocele
Velpeau's - see Hernia, femoral
ventral K43.9
gangrene (and obstruction) K43.7
obstruction K43.6
recurrent - see Hernia, incisional
incisional K43.2
gangrene (and obstruction) K43.1
obstruction K43.0
specified NEC K43.9
gangrene (and obstruction) K43.7
obstruction K43.6
congenital (female) (male) Q79.51
female - see Cystocele
male N32.89
vitreous (into wound) S05.2-
into anterior chamber - see Prolapse, vitreous