Pleurisy ICD-10-CM Alphabetical Index
The ICD-10-CM Alphabetical Index is designed to allow medical coders to look up various medical terms and connect them with the appropriate ICD codes. There are 16 terms under the parent term 'Pleurisy' in the ICD-10-CM Alphabetical Index.
See Code: R09.1
withadherent pleura J86.0
effusion J90
chylous, chyliform J94.0
tuberculous (non primary) A15.6
primary (progressive) A15.7
tuberculosis - see Pleurisy, tuberculous (non primary)
encysted - see Pleurisy, with effusion
exudative - see Pleurisy, with effusion
fibrinopurulent, fibropurulent - see Pyothorax
hemorrhagic - see Hemothorax
pneumococcal J90
purulent - see Pyothorax
septic - see Pyothorax
serofibrinous - see Pleurisy, with effusion
seropurulent - see Pyothorax
serous - see Pleurisy, with effusion
staphylococcal J86.9
streptococcal J90
suppurative - see Pyothorax
traumatic (post) (current) - see Injury, intrathoracic, pleura
tuberculous (with effusion) (non primary) A15.6
primary (progressive) A15.7