Pregnancy Complicated By Management Affected By ICD-10-CM Alphabetical Index
The ICD-10-CM Alphabetical Index is designed to allow medical coders to look up various medical terms and connect them with the appropriate ICD codes. There are 45 terms under the parent term 'Pregnancy Complicated By Management Affected By' in the ICD-10-CM Alphabetical Index.
Pregnancy Complicated By Management Affected By - see also Delivery and Puerperal
Note: The Tabular must be reviewed for assignment of the appropriate character indicating the trimester of the pregnancyNote: The Tabular must be reviewed for assignment of appropriate seventh character for multiple gestation codes in Chapter 15
abdominal (ectopic) O00.0
with viable fetus O36.7-
ampullar O00.1
biochemical O02.81
broad ligament O00.8
cervical O00.8
chemical O02.81
complicated NOS O26.9-
complicated by (care of) (management affected by)
abnormal, abnormality
cervix O34.4-
causing obstructed labor O65.5
cord (umbilical) O69.9
findings on antenatal screening of mother O28.9
biochemical O28.1
cytological O28.2
chromosomal O28.5
genetic O28.5
hematological O28.0
radiological O28.4
specified NEC O28.8
ultrasonic O28.3
glucose (tolerance) NEC O99.810
pelvic organs O34.9-
specified NEC O34.8-
causing obstructed labor O65.5
pelvis (bony) (major) NEC O33.0
perineum O34.7-
placenta O44.1-
without hemorrhage O44.0-
uterus O34.59-
uterus O34.59-
causing obstructed labor O65.5
congenital O34.0-
vagina O34.6-
causing obstructed labor O65.5
vulva O34.7-
causing obstructed labor O65.5
abruptio placentae - see Abruptio placentae
abscess or cellulitis
bladder O23.1-
breast O91.11-
genital organ or tract O23.9-
physical O9A.31-
psychological O9A.51-
sexual O9A.41-
adverse effect anesthesia O29.9-
aspiration pneumonitis O29.01-
cardiac arrest O29.11-
cardiac complication NEC O29.19-
cardiac failure O29.12-
central nervous system complication NEC O29.29-
cerebral anoxia O29.21-
failed or difficult intubation O29.6-
inhalation of stomach contents or secretions NOS O29.01-
local, toxic reaction O29.3X
Mendelson's syndrome O29.01-
pressure collapse of lung O29.02-
pulmonary complications NEC O29.09-
specified NEC O29.8X-
spinal and epidural type NEC O29.5X
induced headache O29.4-
albuminuria O12.1-
alcohol use O99.31-
amnionitis O41.12-
anaphylactoid syndrome of pregnancy O88.01-
anemia (conditions in D50-D64) (pre-existing) O99.01-
complicating the puerperium O99.03
antepartum hemorrhage O46.9-
with coagulation defect - see Hemorrhage, antepartum, with coagulation defect
specified NEC O46.8X-
appendicitis O99.61-
atrophy (yellow) (acute) liver (subacute) O26.61-
bariatric surgery status O99.84-
bicornis or bicornuate uterus O34.59-
biliary tract problems O26.61-
breech presentation O32.1
cardiovascular diseases (conditions in I00-I09, I20-I52, I70-I99) O99.41-
cerebrovascular disorders (conditions in I60-I69) O99.41-
cervical shortening O26.87-
cervicitis O23.51-
chloasma (gravidarum) O26.89-
cholestasis (intrahepatic) O26.61-
cholecystitis O99.61-
chorioamnionitis O41.12-
circulatory system disorder (conditions in I00-I09, I20-I99, O99.41-)
compound presentation O32.6
conjoined twins O30.02-
connective system disorders (conditions in M00-M99) O99.89
contracted pelvis (general) O33.1
inlet O33.2
outlet O33.3
convulsions (eclamptic) (uremic) O15.9- - see also Eclampsia
cracked nipple O92.11-
cystitis O23.1-
cystocele O34.8-
death of fetus (near term) O36.4
early pregnancy O02.1
of one fetus or more in multiple gestation O31.2-
deciduitis O41.14-
decreased fetal movement O36.81-
dental problems O99.61-
diabetes (mellitus) O24.91-
gestational (pregnancy induced) - see - Diabetes, gestational
pre-existing O24.31-
specified NEC O24.81-
type 1 O24.01-
type 2 O24.11-
digestive system disorders (conditions in K00-K93) O99.61-
diseases of - see Pregnancy, complicated by, specified body system disease
biliary tract O26.61-
blood NEC (conditions in D65-D77) O99.11-
liver O26.61-
specified NEC O99.89
disorders of - see Pregnancy, complicated by, specified body system disorder
amniotic fluid and membranes O41.9-
specified NEC O41.8X-
biliary tract O26.61-
ear and mastoid process (conditions in H60-H95) O99.89
eye and adnexa (conditions in H00-H59) O99.89
liver O26.61-
skin (conditions in L00-L99) O99.71-
specified NEC O99.89
displacement, uterus NEC O34.59-
causing obstructed labor O65.5
disproportion (due to) O33.9
fetal deformities NEC O33.7
generally contracted pelvis O33.1
hydrocephalic fetus O33.6
inlet contraction of pelvis O33.2
mixed maternal and fetal origin O33.4
specified NEC O33.8
double uterus O34.59-
causing obstructed labor O65.5
drug use (conditions in F11-F19) O99.32-
eclampsia, eclamptic (coma) (convulsions) (delirium) (nephritis) (uremia) O15.- - see also Eclampsia
ectopic pregnancy - see Pregnancy, ectopic
edema O12.0-
gestational hypertension, mild O14.0- - see also Pre-eclampsia
proteinuria O12.2-
effusion, amniotic fluid - see Pregnancy, complicated by, premature rupture of membranes
multigravida O09.52-
primigravida O09.51-
embolism O88.- - see also Embolism, obstetric, pregnancy
endocrine diseases NEC O99.28-
endometritis O86.12
excessive weight gain O26.0-
exhaustion O26.81-
during labor and delivery O75.81
face presentation O32.3
failed induction of labor O61.9
instrumental O61.1
mechanical O61.1
medical O61.0
specified NEC O61.8
surgical O61.1
failed or difficult intubation for anesthesia O29.6-
false labor (pains) O47.9
at or after 37 completed weeks of pregnancy O47.1
before 37 completed weeks of pregnancy O47.0-
fatigue O26.81-
during labor and delivery O75.81
fatty metamorphosis of liver O26.61-
female genital mutilation O34.8-
fetal (maternal care for)
abnormality or damage O35.9
acid-base balance O68
specified type NEC O35.8
acidemia O68
acidosis O68
alkalosis O68
anemia and thrombocytopenia O36.82-
anencephaly O35.0
chromosomal abnormality (conditions in Q90-Q99) O35.1
conjoined twins O30.02-
damage from
amniocentesis O35.7
biopsy procedures O35.7
drug addiction O35.5
hematological investigation O35.7
intrauterine contraceptive device O35.7
alcohol addiction O35.4
cytomegalovirus infection O35.3
disease NEC O35.8
drug addiction O35.5
listeriosis O35.8
rubella O35.3
toxoplasmosis O35.8
viral infection O35.3
medical procedure NEC O35.7
radiation O35.6
death (near term) O36.4
early pregnancy O02.1
decreased movement O36.81-
disproportion due to deformity (fetal) O33.7
excessive growth (large for dates) O36.6-
growth retardation O36.59-
light for dates O36.59-
small for dates O36.59-
heart rate irregularity (bradycardia) (decelerations) (tachycardia) O76
hereditary disease O35.2
hydrocephalus O35.0
intrauterine death O36.4
poor growth O36.59-
light for dates O36.59-
small for dates O36.59-
problem O36.9-
specified NEC O36.89-
reduction (elective) O31.3-
selective termination O31.3-
spina bifida O35.0
thrombocytopenia O36.82-
fibroid (tumor) (uterus) O34.1-
fissure of nipple O92.11-
gallstones O99.61-
gastric banding status O99.84-
gastric bypass status O99.84-
genital herpes (asymptomatic) (history of) (inactive) O98.51-
genital tract infection O23.9-
glomerular diseases (conditions in N00-N07) O26.83-
with hypertension, pre-existing - see Hypertension, complicating, pregnancy, pre-existing, with, renal disease
gonorrhea O98.21-
grand multiparity O09.4
habitual aborter - see Pregnancy, complicated by, recurrent pregnancy loss
HELLP syndrome (hemolysis, elevated liver enzymes and low platelet count) O14.2-
antepartum - see Hemorrhage, antepartum
before 20 completed weeks gestation O20.9
specified NEC O20.8
due to premature separation, placenta O45.9- - see also Abruptio placentae
early O20.9
specified NEC O20.8
threatened abortion O20.0
hemorrhoids O22.4-
hepatitis (viral) O98.41-
herniation of uterus O34.59-
head at term O32.4
risk - see Supervision (of) (for), high-risk
history of in utero procedure during previous pregnancy O09.82-
HIV O98.71-
human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) disease O98.71-
hydatidiform mole O01.9- - see also Mole, hydatidiform
hydramnios O40.-
hydrocephalic fetus (disproportion) O33.6
amnii O40.-
fetalis O36.2-
associated with isoimmunization O36.11- - see also Pregnancy, complicated by, isoimmunization
hydrorrhea O42.90
hyperemesis (gravidarum) (mild) O21.0- - see also Hyperemesis, gravidarum
hypertension - see Hypertension, complicating pregnancy
heart and renal disease, pre-existing - see Hypertension, complicating, pregnancy, pre-existing, with, heart disease, with renal disease
heart disease, pre-existing - see Hypertension, complicating, pregnancy, pre-existing, with, heart disease
renal disease, pre-existing - see Hypertension, complicating, pregnancy, pre-existing, with, renal disease
hypotension O26.5-
immune disorders NEC (conditions in D80-D89) O99.11-
incarceration, uterus O34.51-
incompetent cervix O34.3-
inconclusive fetal viability O36.80
infection (s) O98.91-
amniotic fluid or sac O41.10-
bladder O23.1-
carrier state NEC O99.830
streptococcus B O99.820
genital organ or tract O23.9-
specified NEC O23.59-
genitourinary tract O23.9-
gonorrhea O98.21-
hepatitis (viral) O98.41-
HIV O98.71-
human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) O98.71-
kidney O23.0-
nipple O91.01-
parasitic disease O98.91-
specified NEC O98.81-
protozoal disease O98.61-
sexually transmitted NEC O98.31-
specified type NEC O98.81-
syphilis O98.11-
tuberculosis O98.01-
urethra O23.2-
urinary (tract) O23.4-
specified NEC O23.3-
viral disease O98.51-
injury or poisoning (conditions in S00-T88) O9A.21-
due to abuse
physical O9A.31-
psychological O9A.51-
sexual O9A.41-
prenatal care O09.3-
weight gain O26.1-
insulin resistance O26.89
intrauterine fetal death (near term) O36.4
early pregnancy O02.1
multiple gestation (one fetus or more) O31.2-
isoimmunization O36.11-
anti-A sensitization O36.11-
anti-B sensitization O36.19-
Rh O36.09-
anti-D antibody O36.01-
specified NEC O36.19-
laceration of uterus NEC O71.81
placenta, placental (vessel) O43.10-
specified NEC O43.19-
uterus (congenital) O34.0-
malnutrition (conditions in E40-E46) O25.1-
maternal hypotension syndrome O26.5-
mental disorders (conditions in F01-F09, F20-F99) O99.34-
alcohol use O99.31-
drug use O99.32-
smoking O99.33-
mentum presentation O32.3
metabolic disorders O99.28-
abortion O02.1
delivery O36.4
multiple gestations O30.9-
conjoined twins O30.02-
specified number of multiples NEC - see Pregnancy, multiple (gestation), specified NEC
quadruplet - see Pregnancy, quadruplet
specified complication NEC O31.8X-
triplet - see Pregnancy, triplet
twin - see Pregnancy, twin
musculoskeletal condition (conditions is M00-M99) O99.89
necrosis, liver (conditions in K72) O26.61-
cervix O34.4-
corpus uteri O34.1-
uterus O34.1-
malignant O9A.11-
nephropathy NEC O26.83-
nervous system condition (conditions in G00-G99) O99.35-
nutritional diseases NEC O99.28-
obesity (pre-existing) O99.21-
obesity surgery status O99.84-
oblique lie or presentation O32.2
older mother - see Pregnancy, complicated by, elderly
oligohydramnios O41.0-
with premature rupture of membranes O42.- - see also Pregnancy, complicated by, premature rupture of membranes
onset (spontaneous) of labor after 37 completed weeks of gestation but before 39 completed weeks gestation, with delivery by (planned) cesarean section O75.82
oophoritis O23.52-
overdose, drug O9A.21- - see also Table of Drugs and Chemicals, by drug, poisoning
oversize fetus O33.5
papyraceous fetus O31.0-
pelvic inflammatory disease O99.89
periodontal disease O99.61-
peripheral neuritis O26.82-
peritoneal (pelvic) adhesions O99.89
phlebitis O22.9-
phlebopathy O22.9-
phlebothrombosis (superficial) O22.2-
deep O22.3-
placenta accreta O43.21-
placenta increta O43.22-
placenta percreta O43.23-
placenta previa O44.1-
without hemorrhage O44.0-
placental disorder O43.9-
specified NEC O43.89-
placental dysfunction O43.89-
placental infarction O43.81-
placental insufficiency O36.51-
placental transfusion syndromes
fetomaternal O43.01-
fetus to fetus O43.02-
maternofetal O43.01-
placentitis O41.14-
pneumonia O99.51-
poisoning O9A.21- - see also Table of Drugs and Chemicals
polyhydramnios O40.-
polymorphic eruption of pregnancy O26.86
poor obstetric history NEC O09.29-
postmaturity (post-term) (40 to 42 weeks) O48.0
more than 42 completed weeks gestation (prolonged) O48.1
pre-eclampsia O14.9-
mild O14.0-
moderate O14.0-
severe O14.1-
with hemolysis, elevated liver enzymes and low platelet count (HELLP) O14.2-
premature labor - see Pregnancy, complicated by, preterm labor
premature rupture of membranes O42.90
full-term O42.92
with onset of labor
within 24 hours O42.00
after 37 weeks gestation O42.02
pre-term (before 37 completed weeks of gestation) O42.01-
after 24 hours O42.10
after 37 weeks gestation O42.12
pre-term (before 37 completed weeks of gestation) O42.11-
after 37 weeks gestation O42.92
pre-term (before 37 completed weeks of gestation) O42.91-
premature separation of placenta O45.9- - see also Abruptio placentae
presentation, fetal - - see Delivery, complicated by, malposition
preterm delivery O60.10
preterm labor
with delivery O60.10
preterm O60.10
term O60.20
second trimester
with term delivery O60.22
without delivery O60.02
with preterm delivery
second trimester O60.12
third trimester O60.13
third trimester
with term delivery O60.23
without delivery O60.03
with third trimester preterm delivery O60.14
without delivery O60.00
second trimester O60.02
third trimester O60.03
previous history of - see Pregnancy, supervision of, high-risk
prolapse, uterus O34.52-
proteinuria (gestational) O12.1-
with edema O12.2-
pruritic urticarial papules and plaques of pregnancy (PUPPP) O26.86
pruritus (neurogenic) O26.89-
psychosis or psychoneurosis (puerperal) F53
ptyalism O26.89-
PUPPP (pruritic urticarial papules and plaques of pregnancy) O26.86
pyelitis O23.0-
recurrent pregnancy loss O26.2-
renal disease or failure NEC O26.83-
with secondary hypertension, pre-existing - see Hypertension, complicating, pregnancy, pre-existing, secondary
hypertensive, pre-existing - see Hypertension, complicating, pregnancy, pre-existing, with, renal disease
respiratory condition (conditions in J00-J99) O99.51-
retained, retention
dead ovum O02.0
intrauterine contraceptive device O26.3-
retroversion, uterus O34.53-
Rh immunization, incompatibility or sensitization NEC O36.09-
anti-D antibody O36.01-
amnion (premature) O42.- - see also Pregnancy, complicated by, premature rupture of membranes
membranes (premature) O42.- - see also Pregnancy, complicated by, premature rupture of membranes
uterus (during labor) O71.1
before onset of labor O71.0-
salivation (excessive) O26.89-
salpingitis O23.52-
salpingo-oophoritis O23.52-
sepsis (conditions in A40, A41) O98.81-
size date discrepancy (uterine) O26.84-
skin condition (conditions in L00-L99) O99.71-
smoking (tobacco) O99.33-
social problem O09.7-
specified condition NEC O26.89-
spotting O26.85-
streptococcus B carrier state O99.820
subluxation of symphysis (pubis) O26.71-
syphilis (conditions in A50-A53) O98.11-
abortion O20.0
labor O47.9
at or after 37 completed weeks of gestation O47.1
before 37 completed weeks of gestation O47.0-
thrombophlebitis (superficial) O22.2-
thrombosis O22.9-
cerebral venous O22.5-
cerebrovenous sinus O22.5-
deep O22.3-
torsion of uterus O34.59-
toxemia O14.9-
transverse lie or presentation O32.2
tuberculosis (conditions in A15-A19) O98.01-
tumor (benign)
cervix O34.4-
malignant O9A.11-
uterus O34.1-
unstable lie O32.0
upper respiratory infection O99.51-
urethritis O23.2-
uterine size date discrepancy O26.84-
vaginitis or vulvitis O23.59-
varicose veins (lower extremities) O22.0-
genitals O22.1-
legs O22.0-
perineal O22.1-
vaginal or vulval O22.1-
venereal disease NEC (conditions in A63.8) O98.31-
venous disorders O22.9-
specified NEC O22.8X-
viral diseases (conditions in A80-B09, B25-B34) O98.51-
very young mother - see Pregnancy, complicated by, young mother
vomiting O21.9
due to diseases classified elsewhere O21.8
hyperemesis gravidarum (mild) O21.0- - see also Hyperemesis, gravidarum
late (occurring after 20 weeks of gestation) O21.2
young mother
multigravida O09.62-
primigravida O09.61-
concealed O09.3-
continuing following
elective fetal reduction of one or more fetus O31.3-
intrauterine death of one or more fetus O31.2-
spontaneous abortion of one or more fetus O31.1-
cornual O00.8
ectopic (ruptured) O00.9
abdominal O00.0
with viable fetus O36.7-
cervical O00.8
complicated (by) O08.9
afibrinogenemia O08.1
cardiac arrest O08.81
chemical damage of pelvic organ (s) O08.6
circulatory collapse O08.3
defibrination syndrome O08.1
electrolyte imbalance O08.5
embolism (amniotic fluid) (blood clot) (pulmonary) (septic) O08.2
endometritis O08.0
genital tract and pelvic infection O08.0
hemorrhage (delayed) (excessive) O08.1
genital tract or pelvic O08.0
kidney 008.83
urinary tract O08.83
intravascular coagulation O08.1
laceration of pelvic organ (s) O08.6
metabolic disorder O08.5
oliguria O08.4
oophoritis O08.0
parametritis O08.0
pelvic peritonitis O08.0
perforation of pelvic organ (s) O08.6
renal failure or shutdown O08.4
salpingitis or salpingo-oophoritis O08.0
sepsis O08.82
shock O08.83
septic O08.82
specified condition NEC O08.89
tubular necrosis (renal) O08.4
uremia O08.4
urinary infection O08.83
venous complication NEC O08.7
embolism O08.2
cornual O00.8
intraligamentous O00.8
mural O00.8
ovarian O00.2
specified site NEC O00.8
tubal (ruptured) O00.1
examination (normal) Z34.9-
high-risk - see Pregnancy, supervision of, high-risk
first Z34.0-
specified Z34.8-
extrauterine - see Pregnancy, ectopic
fallopian O00.1
false F45.8
hidden O09.3-
high-risk - see Pregnancy, supervision of, high-risk
incidental finding Z33.1
interstitial O00.8
intraligamentous O00.8
intramural O00.8
intraperitoneal O00.0
isthmian O00.1
mesometric (mural) O00.8
molar NEC O02.0
complicated (by) O08.9
afibrinogenemia O08.1
cardiac arrest O08.81
chemical damage of pelvic organ (s) O08.6
circulatory collapse O08.3
defibrination syndrome O08.1
electrolyte imbalance O08.5
embolism (amniotic fluid) (blood clot) (pulmonary) (septic) O08.2
endometritis O08.0
genital tract and pelvic infection O08.0
hemorrhage (delayed) (excessive) O08.1
genital tract or pelvic O08.0
kidney O08.83
urinary tract O08.83
intravascular coagulation O08.1
laceration of pelvic organ (s) O08.6
metabolic disorder O08.5
oliguria O08.4
oophoritis O08.0
parametritis O08.0
pelvic peritonitis O08.0
perforation of pelvic organ (s) O08.6
renal failure or shutdown O08.4
salpingitis or salpingo-oophoritis O08.0
sepsis O08.82
shock O08.3
septic O08.82
specified condition NEC O08.89
tubular necrosis (renal) O08.4
uremia O08.4
urinary infection O08.83
venous complication NEC O08.7
embolism O08.2
hydatidiform O01.9- - see also Mole, hydatidiform
multiple (gestation) O30.9-
greater than quadruplets - see Pregnancy, multiple (gestation), specified NEC
specified NEC O30.80-
two or more monoamniotic fetuses O30.82-
two or more monochorionic fetuses O30.81-
two or more monoamniotic fetuses O30.82-
two or more monochorionic fetuses O30.81-
unable to determine number of placenta and number of amniotic sacs O30.89-
unspecified number of placenta and unspecified number of amniotic sacs O30.80-
mural O00.8
normal (supervision of) Z34.9-
high-risk - see Pregnancy, supervision of, high-risk
first Z34.0-
specified Z34.8-
ovarian O00.2
postmature (40 to 42 weeks) O48.0
more than 42 weeks gestation O48.1
post-term (40 to 42 weeks) O48.0
prenatal care only Z34.9-
high-risk - see Pregnancy, supervision of, high-risk
first Z34.0-
specified Z34.8-
prolonged (more than 42 weeks gestation) O48.1
quadruplet O30.20-
two or more monoamniotic fetuses O30.22-
two or more monochorionic fetuses O30.21-
two or more monoamniotic fetuses O30.22-
two or more monochorionic fetuses O30.21-
unable to determine number of placenta and number of amniotic sacs O30.29-
unspecified number of placenta and unspecified number of amniotic sacs O30.20-
quintuplet - see Pregnancy, multiple (gestation), specified NEC
sextuplet - see Pregnancy, multiple (gestation), specified NEC
supervision of
concealed pregnancy O09.3-
elderly mother
multigravida O09.52-
primigravida O09.51-
hidden pregnancy O09.3-
high-risk O09.9-
due to (history of)
ectopic pregnancy O09.1-
elderly - see Pregnancy, supervision, elderly mother
grand multiparity O09.4
infertility O09.0-
insufficient prenatal care O09.3-
in utero procedure during previous pregnancy O09.82-
in vitro fertilization O09.81-
molar pregnancy O09.1-
multiple previous pregnancies O09.4-
older mother - see Pregnancy, supervision of, elderly mother
poor reproductive or obstetric history NEC O09.29-
pre-term labor O09.21-
neonatal death O09.29-
social problems O09.7-
specified NEC O09.89-
very young mother - see Pregnancy, supervision, young mother
resulting from in vitro fertilization O09.81-
normal Z34.9-
first Z34.0-
specified NEC Z34.8-
young mother
multigravida O09.62-
primigravida O09.61-
triplet O30.10-
two or more monoamniotic fetuses O30.12-
two or more monochrorionic fetuses O30.11-
two or more monoamniotic fetuses O30.12-
two or more monochrorionic fetuses O30.11-
unable to determine number of placenta and number of amniotic sacs O30.19-
unspecified number of placenta and unspecified number of amniotic sacs O30.10-
tubal (with abortion) (with rupture) O00.1
twin O30.00-
conjoined O30.02-
dichorionic/diamniotic (two placenta, two amniotic sacs) O30.04-
monochorionic/diamniotic (one placenta, two amniotic sacs) O30.03-
monochorionic/monoamniotic (one placenta, one amniotic sac) O30.01-
unable to determine number of placenta and number of amniotic sacs O30.09-
unspecified number of placenta and unspecified number of amniotic sacs O30.00-
unwanted Z64.0
weeks of gestation
8 weeks Z3A.08
9 weeks Z3A.09
10 weeks Z3A.10
11 weeks Z3A.11
12 weeks Z3A.12
13 weeks Z3A.13
14 weeks Z3A.14
15 weeks Z3A.15
16 weeks Z3A.16
17 weeks Z3A.17
18 weeks Z3A.18
19 weeks Z3A.19
20 weeks Z3A.20
21 weeks Z3A.21
22 weeks Z3A.22
23 weeks Z3A.23
24 weeks Z3A.24
25 weeks Z3A.25
26 weeks Z3A.26
27 weeks Z3A.27
28 weeks Z3A.28
29 weeks Z3A.29
30 weeks Z3A.30
31 weeks Z3A.31
32 weeks Z3A.32
33 weeks Z3A.33
34 weeks Z3A.34
35 weeks Z3A.35
36 weeks Z3A.36
37 weeks Z3A.37
38 weeks Z3A.38
39 weeks Z3A.39
40 weeks Z3A.40
41 weeks Z3A.41
42 weeks Z3A.42
greater than 42 weeks Z3A.49
less than 8 weeks Z3A.01
not specified Z3A.00