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ICD-10-CM Code I73.8
Other specified peripheral vascular diseases

Non-Billable Code
Non-Billable means the code is not sufficient justification for admission to an acute care hospital when used a principal diagnosis. Use a child code to capture more detail.
| ICD-10 from 2011 - 2016

ICD Code I73.8 is a non-billable code. To code a diagnosis of this type, you must use one of the two child codes of I73.8 that describes the diagnosis 'other specified peripheral vascular diseases' in more detail.

The ICD code I738 is used to code Acrocyanosis

Acrocyanosis is persistent blue or cyanotic discoloration of the extremities, most commonly occurring in the hands, although it also occurs in the feet and distal parts of face. Although described over 100 years ago and not uncommon in practice, the nature of this phenomenon is still uncertain. The very term "acrocyanosis" is often applied inappropriately in cases when blue discoloration of the hands, feet, or parts of the face is noted. The principal (primary) form of acrocyanosis is that of a benign cosmetic condition, sometimes caused by a relatively benign neurohormonal disorder. Regardless of its cause, the benign form typically does not require medical treatment. A medical emergency would ensue if the extremities experience prolonged periods of exposure to the cold, particularly in children and patients with poor general health. However, frostbite differs from acrocyanosis because pain (via thermal nociceptors) often accompanies the former condition, while the latter is very rarely associated with pain. There are also a number of other conditions that affect hands, feet, and parts of the face with associated skin color changes that need to be differentiated from acrocyanosis: Raynaud’s phenomenon, pernio, acrorygosis, erythromelalgia, blue finger syndrome. The diagnosis may be challenging in some cases, especially when these syndromes co-exist.

Specialty: Cardiology
MeSH Codes: ,
ICD 9 Codes: 443.89,
Source: Wikipedia

Coding Notes for I73.8 Info for medical coders on how to properly use this ICD-10 code

Code Type-1 Excludes:
Type-1 Excludes
Type-1 Excludes mean the conditions excluded are mutually exclusive and should never be coded together. Excludes 1 means "do not code here."
Diabetic (peripheral) angiopathy - instead, use Section E08-E13 with .51-.52)

Parent Code: I73 - Other peripheral vascular diseases

** This Document Provided By ICD.Codes **
Source: http://icd.codes/icd10cm/I738