Malaria ICD-10-CM Alphabetical Index
The ICD-10-CM Alphabetical Index is designed to allow medical coders to look up various medical terms and connect them with the appropriate ICD codes. There are 29 terms under the parent term 'Malaria' in the ICD-10-CM Alphabetical Index.
See Code: B54
withblackwater fever B50.8
hemoglobinuric (bilious) B50.8
hemoglobinuria B50.8
accidentally induced (therapeutically) - code by type under Malaria
algid B50.9
cerebral B50.0
clinically diagnosed (without parasitological confirmation) B54
congenital NEC P37.4
falciparum P37.3
congestion, congestive B54
continued (fever) B50.9
estivo-autumnal B50.9
falciparum B50.9
with complications NEC B50.8
cerebral B50.0
severe B50.8
hemorrhagic B54
malariae B52.9
complications NEC B52.8
glomerular disorder B52.0
malignant (tertian) - see Malaria, falciparum
mixed infections - code to first listed type in B50-B53
ovale B53.0
parasitologically confirmed NEC B53.8
pernicious, acute - see Malaria, falciparum
Plasmodium (P.)
falciparum NEC - see Malaria, falciparum
malariae NEC B52.9
with Plasmodium
falciparum (and or vivax) - see Malaria, falciparum
vivax - see also Malaria, vivax
and falciparum - see Malaria, falciparum
ovale B53.0
with Plasmodium malariae - see also Malaria, malariae
and vivax - see also Malaria, vivax
and falciparum - see Malaria, falciparum
simian B53.1
with Plasmodium malariae - see also Malaria, malariae
and vivax - see also Malaria, vivax
and falciparum - see Malaria, falciparum
vivax NEC B51.9
with Plasmodium falciparum - see Malaria, falciparum
quartan - see Malaria, malariae
quotidian - see Malaria, falciparum
recurrent B54
remittent B54
specified type NEC (parasitologically confirmed) B53.8
spleen B54
subtertian (fever) - see Malaria, falciparum
tertian (benign) - see also Malaria, vivax
malignant B50.9
tropical B50.9
typhoid B54
vivax B51.9
complications NEC B51.8
ruptured spleen B51.0