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Foreign Body Nec ICD-10-CM Alphabetical Index

The ICD-10-CM Alphabetical Index is designed to allow medical coders to look up various medical terms and connect them with the appropriate ICD codes. There are 39 terms under the parent term 'Foreign Body Nec' in the ICD-10-CM Alphabetical Index.

Foreign Body Nec

laceration - see Laceration, by site, with foreign body
puncture wound - see Puncture, by site, with foreign body
accidentally left following a procedure T81.509
aspiration T81.506
resulting in
adhesions T81.516
obstruction T81.526
perforation T81.536
specified complication NEC T81.596
cardiac catheterization T81.505
resulting in
acute reaction T81.60
aseptic peritonitis T81.61
specified NEC T81.69
adhesions T81.515
obstruction T81.525
perforation T81.535
specified complication NEC T81.595
acute reaction T81.60
aseptic peritonitis T81.61
specified complication NEC T81.69
adhesions T81.519
aseptic peritonitis T81.61
obstruction T81.529
perforation T81.539
specified complication NEC T81.599
endoscopy T81.504
resulting in
adhesions T81.514
obstruction T81.524
perforation T81.534
specified complication NEC T81.594
immunization T81.503
resulting in
adhesions T81.513
obstruction T81.523
perforation T81.533
specified complication NEC T81.593
infusion T81.501
resulting in
adhesions T81.511
obstruction T81.521
perforation T81.531
specified complication NEC T81.591
injection T81.503
resulting in
adhesions T81.513
obstruction T81.523
perforation T81.533
specified complication NEC T81.593
kidney dialysis T81.502
resulting in
adhesions T81.512
obstruction T81.522
perforation T81.532
specified complication NEC T81.592
packing removal T81.507
resulting in
acute reaction T81.60
aseptic peritonitis T81.61
specified NEC T81.69
adhesions T81.517
obstruction T81.527
perforation T81.537
specified complication NEC T81.597
puncture T81.506
resulting in
adhesions T81.516
obstruction T81.526
perforation T81.536
specified complication NEC T81.596
specified procedure NEC T81.508
resulting in
acute reaction T81.60
aseptic peritonitis T81.61
specified NEC T81.69
adhesions T81.518
obstruction T81.528
perforation T81.538
specified complication NEC T81.598
surgical operation T81.500
resulting in
acute reaction T81.60
aseptic peritonitis T81.61
specified NEC T81.69
adhesions T81.510
obstruction T81.520
perforation T81.530
specified complication NEC T81.590
transfusion T81.501
resulting in
adhesions T81.511
obstruction T81.521
perforation T81.531
specified complication NEC T81.591
alimentary tract T18.9
anus T18.5
colon T18.4
esophagus - see Foreign body, esophagus
mouth T18.0
multiple sites T18.8
rectosigmoid (junction) T18.5
rectum T18.5
small intestine T18.3
specified site NEC T18.8
stomach T18.2
anterior chamber (eye) S05.5-
auditory canal - see Foreign body, entering through orifice, ear
bronchus T17.508
asphyxiation T17.500
food (bone) (seed) T17.520
gastric contents (vomitus) T17.510
specified type NEC T17.590
injury NEC T17.508
food (bone) (seed) T17.528
gastric contents (vomitus) T17.518
specified type NEC T17.598
canthus - see Foreign body, conjunctival sac
ciliary body (eye) S05.5-
conjunctival sac T15.1-
cornea T15.0-
entering through orifice
accessory sinus T17.0
alimentary canal T18.9
multiple parts T18.8
specified part NEC T18.8
alveolar process T18.0
antrum (Highmore's) T17.0
anus T18.5
appendix T18.4
auditory canal - see Foreign body, entering through orifice, ear
auricle - see Foreign body, entering through orifice, ear
bladder T19.1
bronchioles - see Foreign body, respiratory tract, specified site NEC
bronchus (main) - see Foreign body, bronchus
buccal cavity T18.0
canthus (inner) - see Foreign body, conjunctival sac
cecum T18.4
cervix (canal) (uteri) T19.3
colon T18.4
conjunctival sac - see Foreign body, conjunctival sac
cornea - see Foreign body, cornea
digestive organ or tract NOS T18.9
multiple parts T18.8
specified part NEC T18.8
duodenum T18.3
ear (external) T16.-
esophagus - see Foreign body, esophagus
eye (external) NOS T15.9-
conjunctival sac - see Foreign body, conjunctival sac
cornea - see Foreign body, cornea
specified part NEC T15.8-
eyeball - see also Foreign body, entering through orifice, eye, specified part NEC
with penetrating wound - see Puncture, eyeball
eyelid - see also Foreign body, conjunctival sac
laceration - see Laceration, eyelid, with foreign body
puncture - see Puncture, eyelid, with foreign body
superficial injury - see Foreign body, superficial, eyelid
gastrointestinal tract T18.9
multiple parts T18.8
specified part NEC T18.8
genitourinary tract T19.9
multiple parts T19.8
specified part NEC T19.8
globe - see Foreign body, entering through orifice, eyeball
gum T18.0
Highmore's antrum T17.0
hypopharynx - see Foreign body, pharynx
ileum T18.3
intestine (small) T18.3
large T18.4
lacrimal apparatus (punctum) - see Foreign body, entering through orifice, eye, specified part NEC
large intestine T18.4
larynx - see Foreign body, larynx
lung - see Foreign body, respiratory tract, specified site NEC
maxillary sinus T17.0
mouth T18.0
nasal sinus T17.0
nasopharynx - see Foreign body, pharynx
nose (passage) T17.1
nostril T17.1
oral cavity T18.0
palate T18.0
penis T19.4
pharynx - see Foreign body, pharynx
piriform sinus - see Foreign body, pharynx
rectosigmoid (junction) T18.5
rectum T18.5
respiratory tract - see Foreign body, respiratory tract
sinus (accessory) (frontal) (maxillary) (nasal) T17.0
piriform - see Foreign body, pharynx
small intestine T18.3
stomach T18.2
suffocation by - see Foreign body, by site
tear ducts or glands - see Foreign body, entering through orifice, eye, specified part NEC
throat - see Foreign body, pharynx
tongue T18.0
tonsil, tonsillar (fossa) - see Foreign body, pharynx
trachea - see Foreign body, trachea
ureter T19.8
urethra T19.0
uterus (any part) T19.3
vagina T19.2
vulva T19.2
esophagus T18.108
injury NEC T18.108
food (bone) (seed) T18.128
gastric contents (vomitus) T18.118
specified type NEC T18.198
tracheal compression T18.100
food (bone) (seed) T18.120
gastric contents (vomitus) T18.110
specified type NEC T18.190
felling of, in throat R09.89
fragment - see Retained, foreign body fragments (type of)
genitourinary tract T19.9
bladder T19.1
multiple parts T19.8
penis T19.4
specified site NEC T19.8
urethra T19.0
uterus T19.3
IUD Z97.5
vagina T19.2
contraceptive device Z97.5
vulva T19.2
granuloma (old) (soft tissue) - see also Granuloma, foreign body
skin L92.3
laceration - see Laceration, by site, with foreign body
puncture wound - see Puncture, by site, with foreign body
soft tissue (residual) M79.5
inadvertently left in operation wound - see Foreign body, accidentally left during a procedure
ingestion, ingested NOS T18.9
inhalation or inspiration - see Foreign body, by site
internal organ, not entering through a natural orifice - code as specific injury with foreign body
intraocular S05.5-
old, retained (nonmagnetic) H44.70-
anterior chamber H44.71-
ciliary body H44.72-
iris H44.72-
lens H44.73-
magnetic H44.60-
anterior chamber H44.61-
ciliary body H44.62-
iris H44.62-
lens H44.63-
posterior wall H44.64-
specified site NEC H44.69-
vitreous body H44.65-
posterior wall H44.74-
specified site NEC H44.79-
vitreous body H44.75-
iris - see Foreign body, intraocular
lacrimal punctum - see Foreign body, entering through orifice, eye, specified part NEC
larynx T17.308
asphyxiation T17.300
food (bone) (seed) T17.320
gastric contents (vomitus) T17.310
specified type NEC T17.390
injury NEC T17.308
food (bone) (seed) T17.328
gastric contents (vomitus) T17.318
specified type NEC T17.398
lens - see Foreign body, intraocular
ocular muscle S05.4-
old, retained - see Foreign body, orbit, old
old or residual
soft tissue (residual) M79.5
operation wound, left accidentally - see Foreign body, accidentally left during a procedure
orbit S05.4-
old, retained H05.5-
pharynx T17.208
asphyxiation T17.200
food (bone) (seed) T17.220
gastric contents (vomitus) T17.210
specified type NEC T17.290
injury NEC T17.208
food (bone) (seed) T17.228
gastric contents (vomitus) T17.218
specified type NEC T17.298
respiratory tract T17.908
bronchioles - see Foreign body, respiratory tract, specified site NEC
bronchus - see Foreign body, bronchus
asphyxiation T17.900
food (bone) (seed) T17.920
gastric contents (vomitus) T17.910
specified type NEC T17.990
injury NEC T17.908
food (bone) (seed) T17.928
gastric contents (vomitus) T17.918
specified type NEC T17.998
larynx - see Foreign body, larynx
lung - see Foreign body, respiratory tract, specified site NEC
multiple parts - see Foreign body, respiratory tract, specified site NEC
nasal sinus T17.0
nasopharynx - see Foreign body, pharynx
nose T17.1
nostril T17.1
pharynx - see Foreign body, pharynx
specified site NEC T17.808
asphyxiation T17.800
food (bone) (seed) T17.820
gastric contents (vomitus) T17.810
specified type NEC T17.890
injury NEC T17.808
food (bone) (seed) T17.828
gastric contents (vomitus) T17.818
specified type NEC T17.898
throat - see Foreign body, pharynx
trachea - see Foreign body, trachea
retained (old) (nonmagnetic) (in)
anterior chamber (eye) - see Foreign body, intraocular, old, retained, anterior chamber
magnetic - see Foreign body, intraocular, old, retained, magnetic, anterior chamber
ciliary body - see Foreign body, intraocular, old, retained, ciliary body
magnetic - see Foreign body, intraocular, old, retained, magnetic, ciliary body
eyelid H02.819
left H02.816
lower H02.815
upper H02.814
right H02.813
lower H02.812
upper H02.811
fragments - see Retained, foreign body fragments (type of)
globe - see Foreign body, intraocular, old, retained
magnetic - see Foreign body, intraocular, old, retained, magnetic
intraocular - see Foreign body, intraocular, old, retained
magnetic - see Foreign body, intraocular, old, retained, magnetic
iris - see Foreign body, intraocular, old, retained, iris
magnetic - see Foreign body, intraocular, old, retained, magnetic, iris
lens - see Foreign body, intraocular, old, retained, lens
magnetic - see Foreign body, intraocular, old, retained, magnetic, lens
muscle - see Foreign body, retained, soft tissue
orbit - see Foreign body, orbit, old
posterior wall of globe - see Foreign body, intraocular, old, retained, posterior wall
magnetic - see Foreign body, intraocular, old, retained, magnetic, posterior wall
retrobulbar - see Foreign body, orbit, old, retrobulbar
soft tissue M79.5
vitreous - see Foreign body, intraocular, old, retained, vitreous body
magnetic - see Foreign body, intraocular, old, retained, magnetic, vitreous body
retina S05.5-
superficial, without open wound
abdomen, abdominal (wall) S30.851
alveolar process S00.552
ankle S90.55-
antecubital space - see Foreign body, superficial, forearm
anus S30.857
arm (upper) S40.85-
auditory canal - see Foreign body, superficial, ear
auricle - see Foreign body, superficial, ear
axilla - see Foreign body, superficial, arm
back, lower S30.850
breast S20.15-
brow S00.85
buttock S30.850
calf - see Foreign body, superficial, leg
canthus - see Foreign body, superficial, eyelid
cheek S00.85
internal S00.552
chest wall - see Foreign body, superficial, thorax
chin S00.85
clitoris S30.854
costal region - see Foreign body, superficial, thorax
digit (s)
hand - see Foreign body, superficial, finger
foot - see Foreign body, superficial, toe
ear S00.45-
elbow S50.35-
epididymis S30.853
epigastric region S30.851
epiglottis S10.15
esophagus, cervical S10.15
eyebrow - see Foreign body, superficial, eyelid
eyelid S00.25-
face S00.85
finger (s) S60.459
index S60.45-
little S60.45-
middle S60.45-
ring S60.45-
flank S30.851
foot (except toe(s) alone) S90.85-
toe - see Foreign body, superficial, toe
forearm S50.85-
elbow only - see Foreign body, superficial, elbow
forehead S00.85
genital organs, external
female S30.856
male S30.855
groin S30.851
gum S00.552
hand S60.55-
head S00.95
ear - see Foreign body, superficial, ear
eyelid - see Foreign body, superficial, eyelid
lip S00.551
nose S00.35
oral cavity S00.552
scalp S00.05
specified site NEC S00.85
heel - see Foreign body, superficial, foot
hip S70.25-
inguinal region S30.851
interscapular region S20.459
jaw S00.85
knee S80.25-
labium (majus) (minus) S30.854
larynx S10.15
leg (lower) S80.85-
knee - see Foreign body, superficial, knee
upper - see Foreign body, superficial, thigh
lip S00.551
lower back S30.850
lumbar region S30.850
malar region S00.85
mammary - see Foreign body, superficial, breast
mastoid region S00.85
mouth S00.552
finger - see Foreign body, superficial, finger
toe - see Foreign body, superficial, toe
nape S10.85
nasal S00.35
neck S10.95
specified site NEC S10.85
throat S10.15
nose S00.35
occipital region S00.05
oral cavity S00.552
orbital region - see Foreign body, superficial, eyelid
palate S00.552
palm - see Foreign body, superficial, hand
parietal region S00.05
pelvis S30.850
penis S30.852
female S30.854
male S30.850
periocular area - see Foreign body, superficial, eyelid
finger - see Foreign body, superficial, finger
toe - see Foreign body, superficial, toe
pharynx S10.15
pinna - see Foreign body, superficial, ear
popliteal space - see Foreign body, superficial, knee
prepuce S30.852
pubic region S30.850
female S30.856
male S30.855
sacral region S30.850
scalp S00.05
scapular region - see Foreign body, superficial, shoulder
scrotum S30.853
shin - see Foreign body, superficial, leg
shoulder S40.25-
sternal region S20.359
submaxillary region S00.85
submental region S00.85
finger (s) - see Foreign body, superficial, finger
toe (s) - see Foreign body, superficial, toe
supraclavicular fossa S10.85
supraorbital S00.85
temple S00.85
temporal region S00.85
testis S30.853
thigh S70.35-
thorax, thoracic (wall) S20.95
back S20.45-
front S20.35-
throat S10.15
thumb S60.35-
toe (s) (lesser) S90.456
great S90.45-
tongue S00.552
trachea S10.15
tunica vaginalis S30.853
tympanum, tympanic membrane - see Foreign body, superficial, ear
uvula S00.552
vagina S30.854
vocal cords S10.15
vulva S30.854
wrist S60.85-
swallowed T18.9
trachea T17.408
asphyxiation T17.400
food (bone) (seed) T17.420
gastric contents (vomitus) T17.410
specified type NEC T17.490
injury NEC T17.408
food (bone) (seed) T17.428
gastric contents (vomitus) T17.418
specified type NEC T17.498
type of fragment - see Retained, foreign body fragments (type of)
vitreous (humor) S05.5-
** This Document Provided By ICD.Codes **
Source: http://icd.codes/icd10cm/alphabetical-index/foreign-body-nec