Dilatation ICD-10-CM Alphabetical Index
The ICD-10-CM Alphabetical Index is designed to allow medical coders to look up various medical terms and connect them with the appropriate ICD codes. There are 50 terms under the parent term 'Dilatation' in the ICD-10-CM Alphabetical Index.
venule - see Hemorrhoids
aorta (focal) (general) - see Ectasia, aorta
with aneuysm - see Aneurysm, aorta
artery - see Aneurysm
bladder (sphincter) N32.89
congenital Q64.79
blood vessel I99.8
bronchial J47.9
exacerbation (acute) J47.1
lower respiratory infection J47.0
calyx (due to obstruction) - see Hydronephrosis
capillaries I78.8
cardiac (acute) (chronic) - see also Hypertrophy, cardiac
congenital Q24.8
valve NEC Q24.8
pulmonary Q22.3
valve - see Endocarditis
cavum septi pellucidi Q06.8
cervix (uteri) - see also Incompetency, cervix
incomplete, poor, slow complicating delivery O62.0
colon K59.3
congenital Q43.1
psychogenic F45.8
common duct (acquired) K83.8
congenital Q44.5
cystic duct (acquired) K82.8
congenital Q44.5
duct, mammary - see Ectasia, mammary duct
duodenum K59.8
esophagus K22.8
congenital Q39.5
due to achalasia K22.0
eustachian tube, congenital Q17.8
gallbladder K82.8
gastric - see Dilatation, stomach
heart (acute) (chronic) - see also Hypertrophy, cardiac
congenital Q24.8
valve - see Endocarditis
ileum K59.8
psychogenic F45.8
jejunum K59.8
psychogenic F45.8
kidney (calyx) (collecting structures) (cystic) (parenchyma) (pelvis) (idiopathic) N28.89
lacrimal passages or duct - see Disorder, lacrimal system, changes
lymphatic vessel I89.0
mammary duct - see Ectasia, mammary duct
Meckel's diverticulum (congenital) Q43.0
malignant - see Table of Neoplasms, small intestine, malignant
myocardium (acute) (chronic) - see Hypertrophy, cardiac
organ or site, congenital NEC - see Distortion
pancreatic duct K86.8
pericardium - see Pericarditis
pharynx J39.2
prostate N42.89
artery (idiopathic) I28.8
valve, congenital Q22.3
pupil H57.04
rectum K59.3
saccule, congenital Q16.5
salivary gland (duct) K11.8
sphincter ani K62.89
stomach K31.89
acute K31.0
psychogenic F45.8
submaxillary duct K11.8
trachea, congenital Q32.1
ureter (idiopathic) N28.82
congenital Q62.2
due to obstruction N13.4
urethra (acquired) N36.8
vasomotor I73.9
vein I86.8
ventricular, ventricle (acute) (chronic) - see also Hypertrophy, cardiac
cerebral, congenital Q04.8
venule NEC I86.8
vesical orifice N32.89
venule - see Hemorrhoids
aorta (focal) (general) - see Ectasia, aorta
with aneuysm - see Aneurysm, aorta
artery - see Aneurysm
bladder (sphincter) N32.89
congenital Q64.79
blood vessel I99.8
bronchial J47.9
exacerbation (acute) J47.1
lower respiratory infection J47.0
calyx (due to obstruction) - see Hydronephrosis
capillaries I78.8
cardiac (acute) (chronic) - see also Hypertrophy, cardiac
congenital Q24.8
valve NEC Q24.8
pulmonary Q22.3
valve - see Endocarditis
cavum septi pellucidi Q06.8
cervix (uteri) - see also Incompetency, cervix
incomplete, poor, slow complicating delivery O62.0
colon K59.3
congenital Q43.1
psychogenic F45.8
common duct (acquired) K83.8
congenital Q44.5
cystic duct (acquired) K82.8
congenital Q44.5
duct, mammary - see Ectasia, mammary duct
duodenum K59.8
esophagus K22.8
congenital Q39.5
due to achalasia K22.0
eustachian tube, congenital Q17.8
gallbladder K82.8
gastric - see Dilatation, stomach
heart (acute) (chronic) - see also Hypertrophy, cardiac
congenital Q24.8
valve - see Endocarditis
ileum K59.8
psychogenic F45.8
jejunum K59.8
psychogenic F45.8
kidney (calyx) (collecting structures) (cystic) (parenchyma) (pelvis) (idiopathic) N28.89
lacrimal passages or duct - see Disorder, lacrimal system, changes
lymphatic vessel I89.0
mammary duct - see Ectasia, mammary duct
Meckel's diverticulum (congenital) Q43.0
malignant - see Table of Neoplasms, small intestine, malignant
myocardium (acute) (chronic) - see Hypertrophy, cardiac
organ or site, congenital NEC - see Distortion
pancreatic duct K86.8
pericardium - see Pericarditis
pharynx J39.2
prostate N42.89
artery (idiopathic) I28.8
valve, congenital Q22.3
pupil H57.04
rectum K59.3
saccule, congenital Q16.5
salivary gland (duct) K11.8
sphincter ani K62.89
stomach K31.89
acute K31.0
psychogenic F45.8
submaxillary duct K11.8
trachea, congenital Q32.1
ureter (idiopathic) N28.82
congenital Q62.2
due to obstruction N13.4
urethra (acquired) N36.8
vasomotor I73.9
vein I86.8
ventricular, ventricle (acute) (chronic) - see also Hypertrophy, cardiac
cerebral, congenital Q04.8
venule NEC I86.8
vesical orifice N32.89