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Paralysis Or Syndrome ICD-10-CM Alphabetical Index

The ICD-10-CM Alphabetical Index is designed to allow medical coders to look up various medical terms and connect them with the appropriate ICD codes. There are 191 terms under the parent term 'Paralysis Or Syndrome' in the ICD-10-CM Alphabetical Index.

Paralysis Or Syndrome

See Code: G83.9

syphilis A52.17
abducens, abducent (nerve) - see Strabismus, paralytic, sixth nerve
abductor, lower extremity G57.9-
accessory nerve G52.8
accommodation - see also Paresis, of accommodation
hysterical F44.89
acoustic nerve (except Deafness)
agitans G20 - see also Parkinsonism
arteriosclerotic G21.4
alternating (oculomotor) G83.89
amyotrophic G12.21
ankle G57.9-
anus (sphincter) K62.89
arm - see Monoplegia, upper limb
ascending (spinal), acute G61.0
association G12.29
asthenic bulbar G70.00
with exacerbation (acute) G70.01
in crisis G70.01
ataxic (hereditary) G11.9
general (syphilitic) A52.17
atrophic G58.9
infantile, acute - see Poliomyelitis, paralytic
progressive G12.22
spinal (acute) - see Poliomyelitis, paralytic
axillary G54.0
Babinski-Nageotte's G83.89
Bell's G51.0
newborn P11.3
Benedikt's G46.3
birth injury P14.9
spinal cord P11.5
bladder (neurogenic) (sphincter) N31.2
bowel, colon or intestine K56.0
brachial plexus G54.0
birth injury P14.3
newborn (birth injury) P14.3
brain G83.9
diplegia G83.0
triplegia G83.89
bronchial J98.09
Brown-Séquard G83.81
bulbar (chronic) (progressive) G12.22
infantile - see Poliomyelitis, paralytic
poliomyelitic - see Poliomyelitis, paralytic
pseudo G12.29
bulbospinal G70.00
with exacerbation (acute) G70.01
in crisis G70.01
cardiac I50.9 - see also Failure, heart
cerebrocerebellar, diplegic G80.1
plexus G54.2
sympathetic G90.09
Céstan-Chenais G46.3
Charcot-Marie-Tooth type G60.0
Clark's G80.9
colon K56.0
compressed air T70.3
arm G56.9-
leg G57.9-
lower extremity G57.9-
upper extremity G56.9-
congenital (cerebral) - see Palsy, cerebral
conjugate movement (gaze) (of eye) H51.0
cortical (nuclear) (supranuclear) H51.0
cordis - see Failure, heart
cranial or cerebral nerve G52.9
creeping G12.22
crossed leg G83.89
crutch - see Injury, brachial plexus
deglutition R13.0
hysterical F44.4
dementia A52.17
descending (spinal) NEC G12.29
diaphragm (flaccid) J98.6
due to accidental dissection of phrenic nerve during procedure - see Puncture, accidental complicating surgery
digestive organs NEC K59.8
diplegic - see Diplegia
divergence (nuclear) H51.8
diver's T70.3
birth injury P14.0
due to or associated with
motor neuron disease G12.22
muscular dystrophy G71.0
due to intracranial or spinal birth injury - see Palsy, cerebral
embolic (current episode) I63.4
Erb (-Duchenne) (birth) (newborn) P14.0
Erb's syphilitic spastic spinal A52.17
esophagus K22.8
eye muscle (extrinsic) H49.9
intrinsic - see also Paresis, of accommodation
facial (nerve) G51.0
birth injury P11.3
congenital P11.3
following operation NEC - see Puncture, accidental complicating surgery
newborn (birth injury) P11.3
familial (recurrent) (periodic) G72.3
spastic G11.4
fauces J39.2
finger G56.9-
gait R26.1
gastric nerve (nondiabetic) G52.2
gaze, conjugate H51.0
general (progressive) (syphilitic) A52.17
juvenile A50.45
glottis J38.00
bilateral J38.02
unilateral J38.01
gluteal G54.1
Gubler (-Millard) G46.3
hand - see Monoplegia, upper limb
heart - see Arrest, cardiac
hemiplegic - see Hemiplegia
hyperkalemic periodic (familial) G72.3
hypoglossal (nerve) G52.3
hypokalemic periodic G72.3
hysterical F44.4
ileus K56.0
infantile A80.30 - see also Poliomyelitis, paralytic
bulbar - see Poliomyelitis, paralytic
cerebral - see Palsy, cerebral
spastic - see Palsy, cerebral, spastic
infective - see Poliomyelitis, paralytic
inferior nuclear G83.9
internuclear - see Ophthalmoplegia, internuclear
intestine K56.0
iris H57.09
due to diphtheria (toxin) A36.89
ischemic, Volkmann's (complicating trauma) T79.6
Jackson's G83.89
jake - see Poisoning, food, noxious, plant
Jamaica ginger (jake) G62.2
juvenile general A50.45
Klumpke (-Déjérine) (birth) (newborn) P14.1
labioglossal (laryngeal) (pharyngeal) G12.29
Landry's G61.0
laryngeal nerve (recurrent) (superior) (unilateral) J38.00
bilateral J38.02
unilateral J38.01
larynx J38.00
bilateral J38.02
due to diphtheria (toxin) A36.2
unilateral J38.01
lateral G12.21
left side - see Hemiplegia
leg G83.1-
both - see Paraplegia
crossed G83.89
hysterical F44.4
psychogenic F44.4
transient or transitory R29.818
traumatic NEC - see Injury, nerve, leg
levator palpebrae superioris - see Blepharoptosis, paralytic
limb - see Monoplegia
lip K13.0
Lissauer's A52.17
lower limb - see Monoplegia, lower limb
both - see Paraplegia
lung J98.4
median nerve G56.1-
medullary (tegmental) G83.89
mesencephalic NEC G83.89
tegmental G83.89
middle alternating G83.89
Millard-Gubler-Foville G46.3
monoplegic - see Monoplegia
motor G83.9
muscle, muscular NEC G72.89
due to nerve lesion G58.9
eye (extrinsic) H49.9
intrinsic - see Paresis, of accommodation
oblique - see Strabismus, paralytic, fourth nerve
iris sphincter H21.9
ischemic (Volkmann's) (complicating trauma) T79.6
progressive G12.21
pseudohypertrophic G71.0
musculocutaneous nerve G56.9-
musculospiral G56.9-
nerve - see also Disorder, nerve
abducent - see Strabismus, paralytic, sixth nerve
accessory G52.8
auditory (except Deafness)
birth injury P14.9
cranial or cerebral G52.9
facial G51.0
birth injury P11.3
congenital P11.3
newborn (birth injury) P11.3
fourth or trochlear - see Strabismus, paralytic, fourth nerve
newborn (birth injury) P14.9
oculomotor - see Strabismus, paralytic, third nerve
phrenic (birth injury) P14.2
radial G56.3-
seventh or facial G51.0
newborn (birth injury) P11.3
sixth or abducent - see Strabismus, paralytic, sixth nerve
syphilitic A52.15
third or oculomotor - see Strabismus, paralytic, third nerve
trigeminal G50.9
trochlear - see Strabismus, paralytic, fourth nerve
ulnar G56.2-
normokalemic periodic G72.3
ocular H49.9
alternating G83.89
oculofacial, congenital (Moebius) Q87.0
oculomotor (external bilateral) (nerve) - see Strabismus, paralytic, third nerve
palate (soft) K13.79
paratrigeminal G50.9
periodic (familial) (hyperkalemic) (hypokalemic) (myotonic) (normokalemic) (potassium sensitive) (secondary) G72.3
peripheral autonomic nervous system - see Neuropathy, peripheral, autonomic
peroneal (nerve) G57.3-
pharynx J39.2
phrenic nerve G56.8-
plantar nerve (s) G57.6-
pneumogastric nerve G52.2
poliomyelitis (current) - see Poliomyelitis, paralytic
popliteal nerve G57.3-
postepileptic transitory G83.84
progressive (atrophic) (bulbar) (spinal) G12.22
general A52.17
infantile acute - see Poliomyelitis, paralytic
supranuclear G23.1
pseudobulbar G12.29
pseudohypertrophic (muscle) G71.0
psychogenic F44.4
quadriceps G57.9-
quadriplegic - see Tetraplegia
radial nerve G56.3-
rectus muscle (eye) H49.9
recurrent isolated sleep G47.53
respiratory (muscle) (system) (tract) R06.81
center NEC G93.89
congenital P28.89
newborn P28.89
right side - see Hemiplegia
sciatic nerve G57.0-
senile G83.9
shaking - see Parkinsonism
shoulder G56.9-
sleep, recurrent isolated G47.53
spastic G83.9
cerebral - see Palsy, cerebral, spastic
congenital (cerebral) - see Palsy, cerebral, spastic
familial G11.4
hereditary G11.4
quadriplegic G80.0
syphilitic (spinal) A52.17
sphincter, bladder - see Paralysis, bladder
spinal (cord) G83.9
accessory nerve G52.8
acute - see Poliomyelitis, paralytic
ascending acute G61.0
atrophic (acute) - see also Poliomyelitis, paralytic
spastic, syphilitic A52.17
congenital NEC - see Palsy, cerebral
infantile - see Poliomyelitis, paralytic
hereditary G95.89
progressive G12.21
sequelae NEC G83.89
sternomastoid G52.8
stomach K31.84
diabetic - see Diabetes, by type, with gastroparesis
nerve G52.2
diabetic - see Diabetes, by type, with gastroparesis
stroke - see Infarct, brain
subcapsularis G56.8-
supranuclear (progressive) G23.1
sympathetic G90.8
cervical G90.09
nervous system - see Neuropathy, peripheral, autonomic
syndrome G83.9
specified NEC G83.89
syphilitic spastic spinal (Erb's) A52.17
thigh G57.9-
throat J39.2
diphtheritic A36.0
muscle J39.2
thrombotic (current episode) I63.3
thumb G56.9-
tick - see Toxicity, venom, arthropod, specified NEC
Todd's (postepileptic transitory paralysis) G83.84
toe G57.6-
tongue K14.8
transient R29.5
arm or leg NEC R29.818
traumatic NEC - see Injury, nerve
trapezius G52.8
traumatic, transient NEC - see Injury, nerve
trembling - see Parkinsonism
triceps brachii G56.9-
trigeminal nerve G50.9
trochlear (nerve) - see Strabismus, paralytic, fourth nerve
ulnar nerve G56.2-
upper limb - see Monoplegia, upper limb
uremic N18.9
uveoparotitic D86.89
uvula K13.79
postdiphtheritic A36.0
vagus nerve G52.2
vasomotor NEC G90.8
velum palati K13.79
vesical - see Paralysis, bladder
vestibular nerve (except Vertigo)
vocal cords J38.00
bilateral J38.02
unilateral J38.01
Volkmann's (complicating trauma) T79.6
wasting G12.29
Weber's G46.3
wrist G56.9-
** This Document Provided By ICD.Codes **
Source: http://icd.codes/icd10cm/alphabetical-index/paralysis-or-syndrome