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ICD-10-CM Neoplasms Index

There are 39 terms starting with the letter 'M' in the ICD-10-CM Neoplasms Index.


term malignant primary malignant secondary carcinoma in situ benign uncertain behavior unspecified behavior
Mackenrodt's ligament C57.7 C79.82 D07.39 D28.7 D39.8 D49.5
malar C41.0 C79.51 D16.4- D48.0 D49.2
region - see Neoplasm, cheek
mammary gland - see Neoplasm, breast
mandible C41.1 C79.51 D16.5- D48.0 D49.2
mucosa (carcinoma) C03.1 C79.89 D00.03 D10.39 D37.09 D49.0
ridge or process C41.1 C79.51 D16.5- D48.0 D49.2
marrow (bone) NEC C96.9 C79.52 D47.9 D49.89
mastectomy site (skin) - see also Neoplasm, breast, skin C44.501 C79.2
specified as breast tissue C50.8- C79.81
mastoid (air cells) (antrum) (cavity) C30.1 C78.39 D02.3 D14.0 D38.5 D49.1
bone or process C41.0 C79.51 D16.4- D48.0 D49.2
maxilla, maxillary (superior) C41.0 C79.51 D16.4- D48.0 D49.2
mucosa C03.0 C79.89 D00.03 D10.39 D37.09 D49.0
ridge or process (carcinoma) C41.0 C79.51 D16.4- D48.0 D49.2
antrum C31.0 C78.39 D02.3 D14.0 D38.5 D49.1
carcinoma C03.0 C79.51
inferior - see Neoplasm, mandible
sinus C31.0 C78.39 D02.3 D14.0 D38.5 D49.1
meatus external (ear) - see also Neoplasm, skin, ear C44.20- C79.2 D04.2- D23.2- D48.5 D49.2
Meckel diverticulum, malignant C17.3 C78.4 D01.49 D13.39 D37.2 D49.0
mediastinum, mediastinal C38.3 C78.1 D15.2 D38.3 D49.89
anterior C38.1 C78.1 D15.2 D38.3 D49.89
posterior C38.2 C78.1 D15.2 D38.3 D49.89
adrenal C74.1- C79.7- D09.3 D35.0- D44.1- D49.7
oblongata C71.7 C79.31 D33.1 D43.1 D49.6
meibomian gland C44.10- C79.2 D04.1- D23.1- D48.5 D49.2
basal cell carcinoma C44.11-
specified type NEC C44.19-
squamous cell carcinoma C44.12-
melanoma - see Melanoma
meninges C70.9 C79.49 D32.9 D42.9 D49.7
brain C70.0 C79.32 D32.0 D42.0 D49.7
cerebral C70.0 C79.32 D32.0 D42.0 D49.7
crainial C70.0 C79.32 D32.0 D42.0 D49.7
intracranial C70.0 C79.32 D32.0 D42.0 D49.7
spinal (cord) C70.1 C79.49 D32.1 D42.1 D49.7
meniscus, knee joint (lateral) (medial) C40.2- C79.51 D16.2- D48.0 D49.2
Merkel cell - see Carcinoma, Merkel cell
mesentery, mesenteric C48.1 C78.6 D20.1 D48.4 D49.0
mesoappendix C48.1 C78.6 D20.1 D48.4 D49.0
mesocolon C48.1 C78.6 D20.1 D48.4 D49.0
mesopharynx - see Neoplasm, oropharynx
mesosalpinx C57.1 C79.82 D07.39 D28.2 D39.8 D49.5
mesothelial tissue - see Mesothelioma
mesothelioma - see Mesothelioma
mesovarium C57.1 C79.82 D07.39 D28.2 D39.8 D49.5
metacarpus (any bone) C40.1- C79.51 D16.1-
metastatic NEC - see also Neoplasm, by site, secondary C79.9
metatarsus (any bone) C40.3- C79.51 D16.3-
midbrain C71.7 C79.31 D33.1 D43.1 D49.6
milk duct - see Neoplasm, breast
pubis C51.9 C79.82 D07.1 D28.0 D39.8 D49.5
veneris C51.9 C79.82 D07.1 D28.0 D39.8 D49.5
motor tract C72.9 C79.49 D33.9 D43.9 D49.7
brain C71.9 C79.31 D33.2 D43.2 D49.6
cauda equina C72.1 C79.49 D33.4 D43.4 D49.7
spinal C72.0 C79.49 D33.4 D43.4 D49.7
mouth C06.9 C79.89 D00.00 D10.30 D37.09 D49.0
book-leaf C06.89 C79.89
floor C04.9 C79.89 D00.06 D10.2 D37.09 D49.0
anterior portion C04.0 C79.89 D00.06 D10.2 D37.09 D49.0
lateral portion C04.1 C79.89 D00.06 D10.2 D37.09 D49.0
overlapping lesion C04.8
overlapping NEC C06.80
roof C05.9 C79.89 D00.00 D10.39 D37.09 D49.0
specified part NEC C06.89 C79.89 D00.00 D10.39 D37.09 D49.0
vestibule C06.1 C79.89 D00.00 D10.39 D37.09 D49.0
alveolar (ridge or process) C03.9 C79.89 D00.03 D10.39 D37.09 D49.0
lower C03.1 C79.89 D00.03 D10.39 D37.09 D49.0
upper C03.0 C79.89 D00.03 D10.39 D37.09 D49.0
buccal C06.0 C79.89 D00.02 D10.39 D37.09 D49.0
cheek C06.0 C79.89 D00.02 D10.39 D37.09 D49.0
lip - see Neoplasm, lip, internal
nasal C30.0 C78.39 D02.3 D14.0 D38.5 D49.1
oral C06.0 C79.89 D00.02 D10.39 D37.09 D49.0
Mullerian duct
female C57.7 C79.82 D07.39 D28.7 D39.8 D49.5
male C63.7 C79.82 D07.69 D29.8 D40.8 D49.5
muscle - see also Neoplasm, connective tissue
extraocular C69.6- C79.49 D09.2- D31.6- D48.7 D49.89
myocardium C38.0 C79.89 D15.1 D48.7 D49.89
myometrium C54.2 C79.82 D07.0 D26.1 D39.0 D49.5
myopericardium C38.0 C79.89 D15.1 D48.7 D49.89
** This Document Provided By ICD.Codes **
Source: http://icd.codes/icd10cm/neoplasms-index/m