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Delivery And Puerperal ICD-10-CM Alphabetical Index

The ICD-10-CM Alphabetical Index is designed to allow medical coders to look up various medical terms and connect them with the appropriate ICD codes. There are 15 terms under the parent term 'Delivery And Puerperal' in the ICD-10-CM Alphabetical Index.

Delivery And Puerperal

arrested active phase O62.1
cesarean (for)
pelvis (bony) (deformity) (major) NEC with disproportion (fetopelvic) O33.0
with obstructed labor O65.0
presentation or position O32.9
abruptio placentae O45.9- - see also Abruptio placentae
acromion presentation O32.2
atony, uterus O62.2
breech presentation O32.1
incomplete O32.8
brow presentation O32.3
cephalopelvic disproportion O33.9
cerclage O34.3-
chin presentation O32.3
cicatrix of cervix O34.4-
contracted pelvis (general)
inlet O33.2
outlet O33.3
cord presentation or prolapse O69.0
cystocele O34.8-
deformity (acquired) (congenital)
pelvic organs or tissues NEC O34.8-
pelvis (bony) NEC O33.0
disproportion NOS O33.9
eclampsia - see Eclampsia
face presentation O32.3
forceps O66.5
induction of labor O61.9
instrumental O61.1
mechanical O61.1
medical O61.0
specified NEC O61.8
surgical O61.1
trial of labor NOS O66.40
following previous cesarean delivery O66.41
vacuum extraction O66.5
ventouse O66.5
fetal-maternal hemorrhage O43.01-
hemorrhage (intrapartum) O67.9
with coagulation defect O67.0
specified cause NEC O67.8
high head at term O32.4
hydrocephalic fetus O33.6
incarceration of uterus O34.51-
incoordinate uterine action O62.4
increased size, fetus O33.5
inertia, uterus O62.2
primary O62.0
secondary O62.1
lateroversion, uterus O34.59-
mal lie O32.9
fetus O32.9
pelvic organs or tissues NEC O34.8-
uterus NEC O34.59-
malpresentation NOS O32.9
oblique presentation O32.2
occurring after 37 completed weeks of gestation but before 39 completed weeks gestation due to (spontaneous) onset of labor O75.82
oversize fetus O33.5
pelvic tumor NEC O34.8-
placenta previa O44.1-
without hemorrhage O44.0-
placental insufficiency O36.51-
planned, occurring after 37 completed weeks of gestation but before 39 completed weeks gestation due to (spontaneous) onset of labor O75.82
polyp, cervix O34.4-
causing obstructed labor O65.5
poor dilatation, cervix O62.0
pre-eclampsia O14.9-
mild O14.0-
moderate O14.0-
with hemolysis, elevated liver enzymes and low platelet count (HELLP) O14.2-
cesarean delivery O34.21
surgery (to)
cervix O34.4-
gynecological NEC O34.8-
rectum O34.7-
uterus O34.29
vagina O34.6-
arm or hand O32.2
uterus O34.52-
prolonged labor NOS O63.9
rectocele O34.8-
uterus O34.53-
cervix O34.4-
pelvic floor O34.8-
perineum O34.7-
vagina O34.6-
vulva O34.7-
sacculation, pregnant uterus O34.59-
scar (s)
cervix O34.4-
cesarean delivery O34.21
uterus O34.29
Shirodkar suture in situ O34.3-
shoulder presentation O32.2
stenosis or stricture, cervix O34.4-
streptococcus B carrier state O99.824
transverse presentation or lie O32.2
tumor, pelvic organs or tissues NEC O34.8-
cervix O34.4-
umbilical cord presentation or prolapse O69.0
without indication O82
completely normal case O80
complicated O75.9
abnormal, abnormality (of)
forces of labor O62.9
specified type NEC O62.8
glucose O99.814
uterine contractions NOS O62.9
abruptio placentae O45.9- - see also Abruptio placentae
physical O9A.32
psychological O9A.52
sexual O9A.42
adherent placenta O72.0
without hemorrhage O73.0
alcohol use O99.314
anemia (pre-existing) O99.02
anesthetic death O74.8
annular detachment of cervix O71.3
atony, uterus O62.2
attempted vacuum extraction and forceps O66.5
Bandl's ring O62.4
bariatric surgery status O99.844
biliary tract disorder O26.62
bleeding - see Delivery, complicated by, hemorrhage
blood disorder NEC O99.12
cervical dystocia (hypotonic) O62.2
primary O62.0
secondary O62.1
circulatory system disorder O99.42
compression of cord (umbilical) NEC O69.2
condition NEC O99.89
contraction, contracted ring O62.4
cord (umbilical)
around neck
with compression O69.1
without compression O69.81
bruising O69.5
complication O69.9
specified NEC O69.89
compression NEC O69.2
entanglement O69.2
without compression O69.82
hematoma O69.5
presentation O69.0
prolapse O69.0
short O69.3
thrombosis (vessels) O69.5
vascular lesion O69.5
Couvelaire uterus O45.8X-
damage to (injury to) NEC
perineum O71.82
periurethral tissue O71.82
vulva O71.82
delay following rupture of membranes (spontaneous) - see Pregnancy, complicated by, premature rupture of membranes
depressed fetal heart tones O76
diabetes O24.92
gestational O24.429
diet controlled O24.420
insulin controlled O24.424
pre-existing O24.32
specified NEC O24.82
type 1 O24.02
type 2 O24.12
diastasis recti (abdominis) O71.89
bladder O66.8
cervix incomplete, poor or slow O62.0
disease NEC O99.89
disruptio uteri - see Delivery, complicated by, rupture, uterus
drug use O99.324
dysfunction, uterus NOS O62.9
hypertonic O62.4
hypotonic O62.2
primary O62.0
secondary O62.1
incoordinate O62.4
eclampsia O15.1
embolism (pulmonary) - see Embolism, obstetric
endocrine, nutritional or metabolic disease NEC O99.284
attempted vaginal birth after previous cesarean delivery O66.41
induction of labor O61.9
instrumental O61.1
mechanical O61.1
medical O61.0
specified NEC O61.8
surgical O61.1
trial of labor O66.40
female genital mutilation O65.5
abnormal acid-base balance O68
acidemia O68
acidosis O68
alkalosis O68
death, early O02.1
deformity O66.3
heart rate or rhythm (abnormal) (non-reassuring) O76
hypoxia O77.8
stress O77.9
due to drug administration O77.1
electrocardiographic evidence of O77.8
specified NEC O77.8
ultrasound evidence of O77.8
fever during labor O75.2
gastric banding status O99.844
gastric bypass status O99.844
gastrointestinal disease NEC O99.62
gestational diabetes O24.429
diet controlled O24.420
insulin (and diet) controlled O24.424
gonorrhea O98.22
hematoma O71.7
ischial spine O71.7
pelvic O71.7
vagina O71.7
vulva or perineum O71.7
hemorrhage (uterine) O67.9
associated with
afibrinogenemia O67.0
coagulation defect O67.0
hyperfibrinolysis O67.0
hypofibrinogenemia O67.0
due to
low-lying placenta O44.1-
placenta previa O44.1-
premature separation of placenta (normally implanted) O45.9- - see also Abruptio placentae
retained placenta O72.0
uterine leiomyoma O67.8
placenta NEC O67.8
postpartum NEC (atonic) (immediate) O72.1
with retained or trapped placenta O72.0
delayed O72.2
secondary O72.2
third stage O72.0
hourglass contraction, uterus O62.4
hypertension, hypertensive (pre-existing) - see Hypertension, complicated by, childbirth (labor)
hypotension O26.5-
incomplete dilatation (cervix) O62.0
incoordinate uterus contractions O62.4
inertia, uterus O62.2
during latent phase of labor O62.0
primary O62.0
secondary O62.1
infection (maternal) O98.92
carrier state NEC O99.834
gonorrhea O98.22
human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) O98.72
sexually transmitted NEC O98.32
specified NEC O98.82
syphilis O98.12
tuberculosis O98.02
viral hepatitis O98.42
viral NEC O98.52
injury (to mother) O71.9 - see also Delivery, complicated, by, damage to
nonobstetric O9A.22
caused by abuse - see Delivery, complicated by, abuse
intrauterine fetal death, early O02.1
inversion, uterus O71.2
laceration (perineal) O70.9
anus (sphincter) O70.4
with third degree laceration O70.2
with mucosa O70.3
without third degree laceration O70.4
bladder (urinary) O71.5
bowel O71.5
cervix (uteri) O71.3
fourchette O70.0
hymen O70.0
labia O70.0
floor O70.1
organ NEC O71.5
perineum, perineal O70.9
first degree O70.0
fourth degree O70.3
muscles O70.1
second degree O70.1
skin O70.0
slight O70.0
third degree O70.2
peritoneum (pelvic) O71.5
rectovaginal (septum) (without perineal laceration) O71.4
with perineum O70.2
with anal or rectal mucosa O70.3
specified NEC O71.89
sphincter ani - see Delivery, complicated, by, laceration, anus (sphincter)
urethra O71.5
uterus O71.81
before labor O71.81
vagina, vaginal (deep) (high) (without perineal laceration) O71.4
with perineum O70.0
muscles, with perineum O70.1
vulva O70.0
liver disorder O26.62
malignancy O9A.12
malnutrition O25.2
malposition, malpresentation
placenta (with hemorrhage) O44.1-
without hemorrhage O44.0-
uterus or cervix O65.5
without obstruction O32.9 - see also Delivery, complicated by, obstruction
breech O32.1
compound O32.6
face (brow) (chin) O32.3
footling O32.8
high head O32.4
oblique O32.2
specified NEC O32.8
transverse O32.2
unstable lie O32.0
meconium in amniotic fluid O77.0
mental disorder NEC O99.344
metrorrhexis - see Delivery, complicated by, rupture, uterus
nervous system disorder O99.354
obesity (pre-existing) O99.214
obesity surgery status O99.844
obstetric trauma O71.9
specified NEC O71.89
obstructed labor
due to
breech (complete) (frank) presentation O64.1
incomplete O64.8
brow presenation O64.3
buttock presentation O64.1
chin presentation O64.2
compound presentation O64.5
contracted pelvis O65.1
deep transverse arrest O64.0
deformed pelvis O65.0
dystocia (fetal) O66.9
due to
conjoined twins O66.3
abnormality NEC O66.3
ascites O66.3
hydrops O66.3
meningomyelocele O66.3
sacral teratoma O66.3
tumor O66.3
hydrocephalic fetus O66.3
shoulder O66.0
face presentation O64.2
fetopelvic disproportion O65.4
footling presentation O64.8
impacted shoulders O66.0
incomplete rotation of fetal head O64.0
large fetus O66.2
locked twins O66.1
malposition O64.9
specified NEC O64.8
malpresentation O64.9
specified NEC O64.8
multiple fetuses NEC O66.6
abnormality (maternal) O65.9
organ O65.5
specified NEC O65.8
inlet O65.2
mid-cavity O65.3
outlet O65.3
persistent (position)
occipitoiliac O64.0
occipitoposterior O64.0
occipitosacral O64.0
occipitotransverse O64.0
prolapsed arm O64.4
shoulder presentation O64.4
specified NEC O66.8
pathological retraction ring, uterus O62.4
penetration, pregnant uterus by instrument O71.1
perforation - see Delivery, complicated by, laceration
placenta, placental
ablatio O45.9- - see also Abruptio placentae
abnormality O43.9-
specified NEC O43.89-
abruptio O45.9- - see also Abruptio placentae
accreta O43.21-
adherent (with hemorrhage) O72.0
without hemorrhage O73.0
detachment (premature) O45.9- - see also Abruptio placentae
disorder O43.9-
specified NEC O43.89-
hemorrhage NEC O67.8
increta O43.22-
low (implantation) O44.1-
without hemorrhage O44.0-
malformation O43.10-
malposition O44.1-
without hemorrhage O44.0-
percreta O43.23-
previa (central) (lateral) (low) (marginal) (partial) (total) O44.1-
without hemorrhage O44.0-
retained (with hemorrhage) O72.0
without hemorrhage O73.0
separation (premature) O45.9-
specified NEC O45.8X-
vicious insertion O44.1-
precipitate labor O62.3
premature rupture, membranes O42.90 - see also Pregnancy, complicated by, premature rupture of membranes
arm or hand O32.2
cord (umbilical) O69.0
foot or leg O32.8
uterus O34.52-
prolonged labor O63.9
first stage O63.0
second stage O63.1
protozoal disease (maternal) O98.62
respiratory disease NEC O99.52
retained membranes or portions of placenta O72.2
without hemorrhage O73.1
retarded birth O63.9
retention of secundines (with hemorrhage) O72.0
without hemorrhage O73.0
partial O72.2
without hemorrhage O73.1
bladder (urinary) O71.5
cervix O71.3
pelvic organ NEC O71.5
urethra O71.5
uterus (during or after labor) O71.1
before labor O71.0-
separation, pubic bone (symphysis pubis) O71.6
shock O75.1
shoulder presentation O64.4
skin disorder NEC O99.72
spasm, cervix O62.4
stenosis or stricture, cervix O65.5
streptococcus B carrier state O99.824
subluxation of symphysis (pubis) O26.72
syphilis (maternal) O98.12
tear - see Delivery, complicated by, laceration
tetanic uterus O62.4
trauma (obstetrical) O71.9 - see also Delivery, complicated, by, damage to
non-obstetric O9A.22
periurethral O71.82
specified NEC O71.89
tuberculosis (maternal) O98.02
tumor, pelvic organs or tissues NEC O65.5
umbilical cord around neck
with compression O69.1
without compression O69.81
uterine inertia O62.2
during latent phase of labor O62.0
primary O62.0
secondary O62.1
vasa previa O69.4
velamentous insertion of cord O43.12-
specified complication NEC O75.89
delayed NOS O63.9
following rupture of membranes
artificial O75.5
second twin, triplet, etc. O63.2
forceps, low following failed vacuum extraction O66.5
missed (at or near term) O36.4
normal O80
obstructed - see Delivery, complicated by, obstruction
precipitate O62.3
preterm O60.10 - see also Pregnancy, complicated by, preterm labor
spontaneous O80
term pregnancy NOS O80
uncomplicated O80
vaginal, following previous cesarean delivery O34.21
** This Document Provided By ICD.Codes **
Source: http://icd.codes/icd10cm/alphabetical-index/delivery-and-puerperal