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Inflammation ICD-10-CM Alphabetical Index

The ICD-10-CM Alphabetical Index is designed to allow medical coders to look up various medical terms and connect them with the appropriate ICD codes. There are 157 terms under the parent term 'Inflammation' in the ICD-10-CM Alphabetical Index.


abducent (nerve) - see Strabismus, paralytic, sixth nerve
accessory sinus (chronic) - see Sinusitis
adrenal (gland) E27.8
alveoli, teeth M27.3
scorbutic E54
anal canal, anus K62.89
antrum (chronic) - see Sinusitis, maxillary
appendix - see Appendicitis
arachnoid - see Meningitis
areola N61
puerperal, postpartum or gestational - see Infection, nipple
areolar tissue NOS L08.9
artery - see Arteritis
auditory meatus (external) - see Otitis, externa
Bartholin's gland N75.8
bile duct (common) (hepatic) or passage - see Cholangitis
bladder - see Cystitis
bone - see Osteomyelitis
brain - see also Encephalitis
membrane - see Meningitis
breast N61
puerperal, postpartum, gestational - see Mastitis, obstetric
broad ligament - see Disease, pelvis, inflammatory
bronchi - see Bronchitis
catarrhal J00
cecum - see Appendicitis
cerebral - see also Encephalitis
membrane - see Meningitis
meningococcal A39.0
cervix (uteri) - see Cervicitis
chest J98.8
chorioretinal H30.9-
cyclitis - see Cyclitis
disseminated H30.10-
generalized H30.13-
peripheral H30.12-
posterior pole H30.11-
epitheliopathy - see Epitheliopathy
focal H30.00-
juxtapapillary H30.01-
macular H30.04-
paramacular - see Inflammation, chorioretinal, focal, macular
peripheral H30.03-
posterior pole H30.02-
specified type NEC H30.89-
choroid - see Inflammation, chorioretinal
chronic, postmastoidectomy cavity - see Complications, postmastoidectomy, inflammation
colon - see Enteritis
connective tissue (diffuse) NEC - see Disorder, soft tissue, specified type NEC
cornea - see Keratitis
corpora cavernosa N48.29
cranial nerve - see Disorder, nerve, cranial
Douglas' cul-de-sac or pouch (chronic) N73.0
due to device, implant or graft - see also Complications, by site and type, infection or inflammation
arterial graft T82.7
breast (implant) T85.79
catheter T85.79
dialysis (renal) T82.7
intraperitoneal T85.71
infusion T82.7
spinal (epidural) (subdural) T85.79
urinary (indwelling) T83.51
electronic (electrode) (pulse generator) (stimulator)
bone T84.7
cardiac T82.7
nervous system (brain) (peripheral nerve) (spinal) T85.79
urinary T83.59
fixation, internal (orthopedic) NEC - see Complication, fixation device, infection
gastrointestinal (bile duct) (esophagus) T85.79
genital NEC T83.6
heart NEC T82.7
valve (prosthesis) T82.6
graft T82.7
joint prosthesis - see Complication, joint prosthesis, infection
ocular (corneal graft) (orbital implant) NEC T85.79
orthopedic NEC T84.7
specified NEC T85.79
urinary NEC T83.59
vascular NEC T82.7
ventricular intracranial shunt T85.79
duodenum K29.80
with bleeding K29.81
dura mater - see Meningitis
ear (middle) - see also Otitis, media
external - see Otitis, externa
epididymis - see Epididymitis
esophagus K20.9
ethmoidal (sinus) (chronic) - see Sinusitis, ethmoidal
eustachian tube (catarrhal) - see Salpingitis, eustachian
eyelid H01.9
abscess - see Abscess, eyelid
blepharitis - see Blepharitis
chalazion - see Chalazion
dermatosis (noninfectious) - see Dermatosis, eyelid
hordeolum - see Hordeolum
specified NEC H01.8
fallopian tube - see Salpingo-oophoritis
fascia - see Myositis
follicular, pharynx J31.2
frontal (sinus) (chronic) - see Sinusitis, frontal
gallbladder - see Cholecystitis
gastric - see Gastritis
gastrointestinal - see Enteritis
genital organ (internal) (diffuse)
female - see Disease, pelvis, inflammatory
male N49.9
multiple sites N49.8
specified NEC N49.8
gland (lymph) - see Lymphadenitis
glottis - see Laryngitis
granular, pharynx J31.2
gum K05.10
nonplaque induced K05.11
plaque induced K05.10
heart - see Carditis
hepatic duct - see Cholangitis
ileoanal (internal) pouch K91.850
ileum - see also Enteritis
regional or terminal - see Enteritis, regional
intestine (any part) - see Enteritis
intestinal pouch K91.850
jaw (acute) (bone) (chronic) (lower) (suppurative) (upper) M27.2
joint NEC - see Arthritis
sacroiliac M46.1
kidney - see Nephritis
knee (joint) M13.169
tuberculous A18.02
labium (majus) (minus) - see Vulvitis
gland - see Dacryoadenitis
passages (duct) (sac) - see also Dacryocystitis
canaliculitis - see Canaliculitis, lacrimal
larynx - see Laryngitis
leg NOS L08.9
lip K13.0
liver (capsule) - see also Hepatitis
chronic K73.9
suppurative K75.0
lung (acute) - see also Pneumonia
chronic J98.4
lymph gland or node - see Lymphadenitis
lymphatic vessel - see Lymphangitis
maxilla, maxillary M27.2
sinus (chronic) - see Sinusitis, maxillary
membranes of brain or spinal cord - see Meningitis
meninges - see Meningitis
mouth K12.1
muscle - see Myositis
myocardium - see Myocarditis
nasal sinus (chronic) - see Sinusitis
nasopharynx - see Nasopharyngitis
navel L08.82
nerve NEC - see Neuralgia
nipple N61
puerperal, postpartum or gestational - see Infection, nipple
nose - see Rhinitis
oculomotor (nerve) - see Strabismus, paralytic, third nerve
optic nerve - see Neuritis, optic
orbit (chronic) H05.10
acute H05.00
abscess - see Abscess, orbit
cellulitis - see Cellulitis, orbit
osteomyelitis - see Osteomyelitis, orbit
periostitis - see Periostitis, orbital
tenonitis - see Tenonitis, eye
granuloma - see Granuloma, orbit
myositis - see Myositis, orbital
ovary - see Salpingo-oophoritis
oviduct - see Salpingo-oophoritis
pancreas (acute) - see Pancreatitis
parametrium N73.0
parotid region L08.9
pelvis, female - see Disease, pelvis, inflammatory
penis (corpora cavernosa) N48.29
perianal K62.89
pericardium - see Pericarditis
perineum (female) (male) L08.9
perirectal K62.89
peritoneum - see Peritonitis
periuterine - see Disease, pelvis, inflammatory
perivesical - see Cystitis
petrous bone (acute) (chronic) - see Petrositis
pharynx (acute) - see Pharyngitis
pia mater - see Meningitis
pleura - see Pleurisy
polyp, colon K51.40 - see also Polyp, colon, inflammatory
prostate - see also Prostatitis
specified type NEC N41.8
rectosigmoid - see Rectosigmoiditis
rectum K62.89 - see also Proctitis
respiratory, upper J06.9 - see also Infection, respiratory, upper
acute, due to radiation J70.0
chronic, due to external agent - see condition, respiratory, chronic, due to
due to
chemicals, gases, fumes or vapors (inhalation) J68.2
radiation J70.1
retina - see Chorioretinitis
retrocecal - see Appendicitis
retroperitoneal - see Peritonitis
salivary duct or gland (any) (suppurative) - see Sialoadenitis
scorbutic, alveoli, teeth E54
scrotum N49.2
seminal vesicle - see Vesiculitis
sigmoid - see Enteritis
sinus - see Sinusitis
Skene's duct or gland - see Urethritis
skin L08.9
spermatic cord N49.1
sphenoidal (sinus) - see Sinusitis, sphenoidal
cord - see Encephalitis
membrane - see Meningitis
nerve - see Disorder, nerve
spine - see Spondylopathy, inflammatory
spleen (capsule) D73.89
stomach - see Gastritis
subcutaneous tissue L08.9
suprarenal (gland) E27.8
synovial - see Tenosynovitis
tendon (sheath) NEC - see Tenosynovitis
testis - see Orchitis
throat (acute) - see Pharyngitis
thymus (gland) E32.8
thyroid (gland) - see Thyroiditis
tongue K14.0
tonsil - see Tonsillitis
trachea - see Tracheitis
trochlear (nerve) - see Strabismus, paralytic, fourth nerve
tubal - see Salpingo-oophoritis
tuberculous NEC - see Tuberculosis
tubo-ovarian - see Salpingo-oophoritis
tunica vaginalis N49.1
tympanic membrane - see Tympanitis
umbilicus, umbilical L08.82
uterine ligament - see Disease, pelvis, inflammatory
uterus (catarrhal) - see Endometritis
uveal tract (anterior) NOS - see also Iridocyclitis
posterior - see Chorioretinitis
vagina - see Vaginitis
vas deferens N49.1
vein - see also Phlebitis
intracranial or intraspinal (septic) G08
thrombotic I80.9
leg - see Phlebitis, leg
lower extremity - see Phlebitis, leg
vocal cord J38.3
vulva - see Vulvitis
Wharton's duct (suppurative) - see Sialoadenitis
** This Document Provided By ICD.Codes **
Source: http://icd.codes/icd10cm/alphabetical-index/inflammation