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Cyst ICD-10-CM Alphabetical Index

The ICD-10-CM Alphabetical Index is designed to allow medical coders to look up various medical terms and connect them with the appropriate ICD codes. There are 272 terms under the parent term 'Cyst' in the ICD-10-CM Alphabetical Index.


adenoid (infected) J35.8
adrenal gland E27.8
congenital Q89.1
air, lung J98.4
allantoic Q64.4
alveolar process (jaw bone) M27.40
amnion, amniotic O41.8X-
chamber (eye) - see Cyst, iris
nasopalatine K09.1
antrum J34.1
anus K62.89
apical (tooth) (periodontal) K04.8
appendix K38.8
arachnoid, brain (acquired) G93.0
congenital Q04.6
arytenoid J38.7
Baker's M71.2-
ruptured M66.0
tuberculous A18.02
Bartholin's gland N75.0
bile duct (common) (hepatic) K83.5
bladder (multiple) (trigone) N32.89
blue dome (breast) - see Cyst, breast
bone (local) NEC M85.60
aneurysmal M85.50
ankle M85.57-
foot M85.57-
forearm M85.53-
hand M85.54-
jaw M27.49
lower leg M85.56-
multiple site M85.59
neck M85.58
rib M85.58
shoulder M85.51-
skull M85.58
specified site NEC M85.58
thigh M85.55-
toe M85.57-
upper arm M85.52-
vertebra M85.58
solitary M85.40
ankle M85.47-
fibula M85.46-
foot M85.47-
hand M85.44-
humerus M85.42-
jaw M27.49
neck M85.48
pelvis M85.45-
radius M85.43-
rib M85.48
shoulder M85.41-
skull M85.48
specified site NEC M85.48
tibia M85.46-
toe M85.47-
ulna M85.43-
vertebra M85.48
specified type NEC M85.60
ankle M85.67-
foot M85.67-
forearm M85.63-
hand M85.64-
jaw M27.40
developmental (nonodontogenic) K09.1
odontogenic K09.0
latent M27.0
lower leg M85.66-
multiple site M85.69
neck M85.68
rib M85.68
shoulder M85.61-
skull M85.68
specified site NEC M85.68
thigh M85.65-
toe M85.67-
upper arm M85.62-
vertebra M85.68
brain (acquired) G93.0
congenital Q04.6
hydatid B67.99
third ventricle (colloid), congenital Q04.6
branchial (cleft) Q18.0
branchiogenic Q18.0
breast (benign) (blue dome) (pedunculated) (solitary) N60.0-
involution - see Dysplasia, mammary, specified type NEC
sebaceous - see Dysplasia, mammary, specified type NEC
broad ligament (benign) N83.8
bronchogenic (mediastinal) (sequestration) J98.4
congenital Q33.0
buccal K09.8
bulbourethral gland N36.8
bursa, bursal NEC M71.30
with rupture - see Rupture, synovium
ankle M71.37-
elbow M71.32-
foot M71.37-
hand M71.34-
hip M71.35-
multiple sites M71.39
pharyngeal J39.2
popliteal space - see Cyst, Baker's
shoulder M71.31-
specified site NEC M71.38
wrist M71.33-
calcifying odontogenic D16.5
upper jaw (bone) (maxilla) D16.4
canal of Nuck (female) N94.89
congenital Q52.4
canthus - see Cyst, conjunctiva
carcinomatous - see Neoplasm, malignant, by site
cauda equina G95.89
cavum septi pellucidi - see Cyst, brain
celomic (pericardium) Q24.8
cerebellopontine (angle) - see Cyst, brain
cerebellum - see Cyst, brain
cerebral - see Cyst, brain
cervical lateral Q18.1
cervix NEC N88.8
embryonic Q51.6
nabothian N88.8
chiasmal optic NEC - see Disorder, optic, chiasm
chocolate (ovary) N80.1
choledochus, congenital Q44.4
chorion O41.8X-
choroid plexus G93.0
ciliary body - see Cyst, iris
clitoris N90.7
colon K63.89
common (bile) duct K83.5
congenital NEC Q89.8
adrenal gland Q89.1
epiglottis Q31.8
esophagus Q39.8
fallopian tube Q50.4
kidney Q61.00
more than one (multiple) Q61.02
specified as polycystic Q61.3
adult type Q61.2
infantile type NEC Q61.19
collecting duct dilation Q61.11
solitary Q61.01
larynx Q31.8
liver Q44.6
lung Q33.0
mediastinum Q34.1
ovary Q50.1
oviduct Q50.4
periurethral (tissue) Q64.79
prepuce Q55.69
salivary gland (any) Q38.4
sublingual Q38.6
submaxillary gland Q38.6
thymus (gland) Q89.2
tongue Q38.3
ureterovesical orifice Q62.8
vulva Q52.79
conjunctiva H11.44-
cornea H18.89-
corpora quadrigemina G93.0
albicans N83.29
luteum (hemorrhagic) (ruptured) N83.1
Cowper's gland (benign) (infected) N36.8
cranial meninges G93.0
craniobuccal pouch E23.6
craniopharyngeal pouch E23.6
cystic duct K82.8
Cysticercus - see Cysticercosis
Dandy-Walker Q03.1
with spina bifida - see Spina bifida
dental (root) K04.8
developmental K09.0
eruption K09.0
primordial K09.0
dentigerous (mandible) (maxilla) K09.0
dermoid - see Neoplasm, benign, by site
with malignant transformation C56.-
external area or site (skin) NEC L72.0
iris - see Cyst, iris, implantation
vagina N89.8
vulva N90.7
mouth K09.8
oral soft tissue K09.8
sacrococcygeal - see Cyst, pilonidal
developmental K09.1
odontogenic K09.0
oral region (nonodontogenic) K09.1
ovary, ovarian Q50.1
dura (cerebral) G93.0
spinal G96.19
ear (external) Q18.1
echinococcal - see Echinococcus
cervix uteri Q51.6
fallopian tube Q50.4
vagina Q51.6
endometrium, endometrial (uterus) N85.8
ectopic - see Endometriosis
enterogenous Q43.8
epidermal, epidermoid (inclusion) (see also Cyst, skin) L72.0
mouth K09.8
oral soft tissue K09.8
epididymis N50.3
epiglottis J38.7
epiphysis cerebri E34.8
epithelial (inclusion) L72.0
epoophoron Q50.5
eruption K09.0
esophagus K22.8
ethmoid sinus J34.1
external female genital organs NEC N90.7
eye NEC H57.8
congenital Q15.8
eyelid (sebaceous) H02.829
infected - see Hordeolum
left H02.826
lower H02.825
upper H02.824
right H02.823
lower H02.822
upper H02.821
fallopian tube N83.8
congenital Q50.4
fimbrial (twisted) Q50.4
fissural (oral region) K09.1
follicle (graafian) (hemorrhagic) N83.0
nabothian N88.8
follicular (atretic) (hemorrhagic) (ovarian) N83.0
dentigerous K09.0
odontogenic K09.0
skin L72.9
specified NEC L72.8
frontal sinus J34.1
gallbladder K82.8
ganglion - see Ganglion
Gartner's duct Q52.4
gingiva K09.0
gland of Moll - see Cyst, eyelid
globulomaxillary K09.1
graafian follicle (hemorrhagic) N83.0
granulosal lutein (hemorrhagic) N83.1
hemangiomatous D18.00
intra-abdominal D18.03
intracranial D18.02
skin D18.01
specified site NEC D18.09
hydatid B67.90 - see also Echinococcus
brain B67.99
liver B67.8 - see also Cyst, liver, hydatid
lung NEC B67.99
female Q50.5
male (epididymal) Q55.4
testicular Q55.29
specified site NEC B67.99
hymen N89.8
embryonic Q52.4
hypopharynx J39.2
hypophysis, hypophyseal (duct) (recurrent) E23.6
cerebri E23.6
implantation (dermoid)
external area or site (skin) NEC L72.0
iris - see Cyst, iris, implantation
vagina N89.8
vulva N90.7
incisive canal K09.1
inclusion (epidermal) (epithelial) (epidermoid) (squamous) L72.0
not of skin - code under Cyst, by site
intestine (large) (small) K63.89
intracranial - see Cyst, brain
intraligamentous - see also Disorder, ligament
knee - see Derangement, knee
intrasellar E23.6
iris H21.309
exudative H21.31-
idiopathic H21.30-
implantation H21.32-
parasitic H21.33-
pars plana (primary) H21.34-
exudative H21.35-
jaw (bone) M27.40
aneurysmal M27.49
hemorrhagic M27.49
traumatic M27.49
developmental (odontogenic) K09.0
fissural K09.1
joint NEC - see Disorder, joint, specified type NEC
kidney (acquired) N28.1
calyceal - see Hydronephrosis
congenital Q61.00
more than one (multiple) Q61.02
specified as polycystic Q61.3
adult type (autosomal dominant) Q61.2
infantile type (autosomal recessive) NEC Q61.19
collecting duct dilation Q61.11
pyelogenic - see Hydronephrosis
simple N28.1
solitary (single) Q61.01
acquired N28.1
labium (majus) (minus) N90.7
sebaceous N90.7
lacrimal - see also Disorder, lacrimal system, specified NEC
gland H04.13-
passages or sac - see Disorder, lacrimal system, specified NEC
larynx J38.7
lateral periodontal K09.0
lens H27.8
congenital Q12.8
lip (gland) K13.0
liver (idiopathic) (simple) K76.89
congenital Q44.6
hydatid B67.8
granulosus B67.0
multilocularis B67.5
lung J98.4
congenital Q33.0
giant bullous J43.9
lutein N83.1
lymphangiomatous D18.1
lymphoepithelial, oral soft tissue K09.8
macula - see Degeneration, macula, hole
malignant - see Neoplasm, malignant, by site
mammary gland - see Cyst, breast
mandible M27.40
dentigerous K09.0
radicular K04.8
maxilla M27.40
dentigerous K09.0
radicular K04.8
medial, face and neck Q18.8
anterior maxillary K09.1
palatal K09.1
mediastinum, congenital Q34.1
meibomian (gland) - see Chalazion
infected - see Hordeolum
membrane, brain G93.0
meninges (cerebral) G93.0
spinal G96.19
meniscus, knee - see Derangement, knee, meniscus, cystic
mesentery, mesenteric K66.8
chyle I89.8
mesonephric duct
female Q50.5
male Q55.4
milk N64.89
Morgagni (hydatid)
female Q50.5
male (epididymal) Q55.4
testicular Q55.29
mouth K09.8
Müllerian duct Q50.4
appendix testis Q55.29
cervix Q51.6
fallopian tube Q50.4
female Q50.4
male Q55.29
prostatic utricle Q55.4
vagina (embryonal) Q52.4
multilocular (ovary) D39.10
benign - see Neoplasm, benign, by site
myometrium N85.8
nabothian (follicle) (ruptured) N88.8
nasoalveolar K09.1
nasolabial K09.1
nasopalatine (anterior) (duct) K09.1
nasopharynx J39.2
neoplastic - see Neoplasm, uncertain behavior, by site
benign - see Neoplasm, benign, by site
nervous system NEC G96.8
neuroenteric (congenital) Q06.8
nipple - see Cyst, breast
nose (turbinates) J34.1
sinus J34.1
odontogenic, developmental K09.0
omentum (lesser) K66.8
congenital Q45.8
ora serrata - see Cyst, retina, ora serrata
region K09.9
developmental (nonodontogenic) K09.1
specified NEC K09.8
soft tissue K09.9
specified NEC K09.8
orbit H05.81-
ovary, ovarian (twisted) N83.20
adherent N83.20
chocolate N80.1
albicans N83.29
luteum (hemorrhagic) N83.1
dermoid D27.9
developmental Q50.1
due to failure of involution NEC N83.20
endometrial N80.1
follicular (graafian) (hemorrhagic) N83.0
hemorrhagic N83.20
in pregnancy or childbirth O34.8-
with obstructed labor O65.5
multilocular D39.10
pseudomucinous D27.9
retention N83.29
serous N83.20
specified NEC N83.29
theca lutein (hemorrhagic) N83.1
tuberculous A18.18
oviduct N83.8
palate (median) (fissural) K09.1
palatine papilla (jaw) K09.1
pancreas, pancreatic (hemorrhagic) (true) K86.2
congenital Q45.2
false K86.3
hip M24.85-
shoulder S43.43-
paramesonephric duct Q50.4
female Q50.4
male Q55.29
paranephric N28.1
paraphysis, cerebri, congenital Q04.6
parasitic B89
parathyroid (gland) E21.4
paratubal N83.8
paraurethral duct N36.8
paroophoron Q50.5
parotid gland K11.6
parovarian Q50.5
pelvis, female N94.89
in pregnancy or childbirth O34.8-
causing obstructed labor O65.5
penis (sebaceous) N48.89
periapical K04.8
pericardial (congenital) Q24.8
acquired (secondary) I31.8
pericoronal K09.0
periodontal K04.8
lateral K09.0
peripelvic (lymphatic) N28.1
peritoneum K66.8
chylous I89.8
periventricular, acquired, newborn P91.1
pharynx (wall) J39.2
pilar L72.11
pilonidal (infected) (rectum) L05.91
with abscess L05.01
malignant C44.59-
pituitary (duct) (gland) E23.6
placenta O43.19-
pleura J94.8
popliteal - see Cyst, Baker's
porencephalic Q04.6
acquired G93.0
postanal (infected) - see Cyst, pilonidal
postmastoidectomy cavity (mucosal) - see Complications, postmastoidectomy, cyst
preauricular Q18.1
prepuce N47.4
congenital Q55.69
primordial (jaw) K09.0
prostate N42.83
pseudomucinous (ovary) D27.9
pupillary, miotic H21.27-
radicular (residual) K04.8
radiculodental K04.8
ranular K11.8
Rathke's pouch E23.6
rectum (epithelium) (mucous) K62.89
renal - see Cyst, kidney
residual (radicular) K04.8
retention (ovary) N83.29
salivary gland K11.6
retina H33.19-
ora serrata H33.11-
parasitic H33.12-
retroperitoneal K68.9
sacrococcygeal (dermoid) - see Cyst, pilonidal
salivary gland or duct (mucous extravasation or retention) K11.6
Sampson's N80.1
sclera H15.89
scrotum L72.9
sebaceous L72.3
sebaceous (duct) (gland) L72.3
breast - see Dysplasia, mammary, specified type NEC
eyelid - see Cyst, eyelid
genital organ NEC
female N94.89
male N50.8
scrotum L72.3
semilunar cartilage (knee) (multiple) - see Derangement, knee, meniscus, cystic
seminal vesicle N50.8
serous (ovary) N83.20
sinus (accessory) (nasal) J34.1
Skene's gland N36.8
skin L72.9
breast - see Dysplasia, mammary, specified type NEC
epidermal, epidermoid L72.0
epithelial L72.0
eyelid - see Cyst, eyelid
genital organ NEC
female N90.7
male N50.8
inclusion L72.0
scrotum L72.9
sebaceous L72.3
sweat gland or duct L74.8
bone - see Cyst, bone, solitary
jaw M27.40
kidney N28.1
spermatic cord N50.8
sphenoid sinus J34.1
spinal meninges G96.19
spleen NEC D73.4
congenital Q89.09
hydatid B67.99 - see also Echinococcus
Stafne's M27.0
subarachnoid intrasellar R93.0
subcutaneous, pheomycotic (chromomycotic) B43.2
subdural (cerebral) G93.0
spinal cord G96.19
sublingual gland K11.6
submandibular gland K11.6
submaxillary gland K11.6
suburethral N36.8
suprarenal gland E27.8
suprasellar - see Cyst, brain
sweat gland or duct L74.8
synovial - see also Cyst, bursa
ruptured - see Rupture, synovium
tarsal - see Chalazion
tendon (sheath) - see Disorder, tendon, specified type NEC
testis N44.2
tunica albuginea N44.1
theca lutein (ovary) N83.1
Thornwaldt's J39.2
thymus (gland) E32.8
thyroglossal duct (infected) (persistent) Q89.2
thyrolingual duct (infected) (persistent) Q89.2
thyroid (gland) E04.1
tongue K14.8
tonsil J35.8
tooth - see Cyst, dental
Tornwaldt's J39.2
trichilemmal (proliferating) L72.12
trichodermal L72.12
tubal (fallopian) N83.8
inflammatory - see Salpingitis, chronic
tubo-ovarian N83.8
inflammatory N70.13
albuginea testis N44.1
vaginalis N50.8
turbinate (nose) J34.1
Tyson's gland N48.89
urachus, congenital Q64.4
ureter N28.89
ureterovesical orifice N28.89
urethra, urethral (gland) N36.8
uterine ligament N83.8
uterus (body) (corpus) (recurrent) N85.8
embryonic Q51.818
cervix Q51.6
vagina, vaginal (implantation) (inclusion) (squamous cell) (wall) N89.8
embryonic Q52.4
vallecula, vallecular (epiglottis) J38.7
vesical (orifice) N32.89
vitreous body H43.89
vulva (implantation) (inclusion) N90.7
congenital Q52.79
sebaceous gland N90.7
vulvovaginal gland N90.7
female Q50.5
male Q55.4
** This Document Provided By ICD.Codes **
Source: http://icd.codes/icd10cm/alphabetical-index/cyst